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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Like this. ( use insert media , the three overlapping windows icon on the right. The tag is now [ media ] not video as before )
  2. Shake it baby! http://www.reghardware.com/2011/01/21/duke_nukem_forever_spring_release/
  3. Record them, then play them back out of phase. Voila noisy frog cancelation !
  4. Yep, Two, count 'em
  5. Yay! CJ
  6. Thanks for all the Birthday greetings. I have to report a bacon free weekend with a lack of wanton excess. Maybe I need to work more on my "edgy", or its just part of getting older. I could always go for a Maple Bacon Latte @ Pirate Cat Radio Café , that might do the trick . hmmm Bacon Maple Latte at the Pirate Cat Radio Cafe tempting. There's always next year, if not sooner
  7. countdown groupies are the most sexually voracious of all groupies. And the most beautiful.
  8. Rip Off US? £498.00 (including 20% V.A.T. ?) e.g. http://www.harrowaudiohifi.co.uk/viewitem.asp?MyID=&StockCode=h127re098 Looking at the back panel image from audio advisor shows it as 115V 50/60Hz , so looks like the AC->DC power supply is region specific rather than universal, which increases the number of SKU's that that they have to manage, but allows them to maintain exclusive dealerships and regional pricing differentials. It could be worse, you could be in Australia for example. http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2011/01/10/internet_tax_row/
  9. We'll just have to consult the faculty rules of the Philosophy Department of the University of Walamaloo for the answer.
  10. Grahame


    ^ Or you growing up?
  11. Three Cunard Queens To Rendez Vous In New York Harbor - NY1.com On January 13, a trio of maritime Queens – three famous Cunard ocean liners –will be in New York Harbor at the same time. Did someone tell Steve?
  12. Grahame


    Be Careful what you wish for . Lucas & Walliams (they of Little Britain) once did a spoof of what would happen if the Americans got their hands on the much-loved Sitcom Only Fools and Horses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-beZT3cQO-I See if you can see what they did there
  13. Grahame


    A co-worker mentioned that he had just started watching a new series on Showtime "Shameless" starring William H. Macy. This is a US adaptation of a long running UK Series. UK : Shameless - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia UK : Shameless - Channel 4 US : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shameless_(U.S._TV_series) US: Watch Shameless on Showtime New Ideas? Who Needs 'em
  14. Cable vendor slapped for unproven claims ? The Register Thousand pound kettle cable won't sound better The Advertising Standards Authority has slapped hi-kit supplier Russ Andrews for claiming its super-duper mains cables could reduce radio interference on the power line. According to the the company, its PowerKords reduce noise in the mains supply because they are wrapped up in woven conductors, enabling the company to charge more than a grand (
  15. I always had my suspicions that Reks was a Bot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BQUpbkMkbU
  16. Or more relevantly Do you like Hospital Food, pal?
  17. Android-powered touchscreen Wi-Fi headphones offered ? The Register The Admiral Touch features a 2.4-inch touchscreen display that you can poke and stroke to use the Android OS to access the wireless headset's different modes, adjust volume, and switch tracks. The prototype shown at last week's Consumer Electronics Show was running Android 2.1, but who knows what version it'll be running when
  18. Use FileZilla - The free FTP solution ( free. , Win / Mac / Linux , graphical client Drag N Drop Support) What's not to like ? FileZilla - Client Features
  19. ^Like speeding
  20. Wow, Congrat!, so the cake is not a lie!
  21. Install Vortexbox on some modern energy efficient hardware ? [url=http://vortexbox.org/about/]vortexbox.org
  22. Oh, This One (Anthony Bourdain - No reservations) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d8EymQPiqk
  23. I just got off the phone with friend living in northern North Dakota near the Canadian border. He said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. The temperature is dropping way below zero and the north wind is increasing to near gale force. His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window and just stare. He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in.
  24. Shhhh. Thats what the bluetooth keyboard is for
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