"an all bacon food truck."
EDIT: Could this be 909's downfall
Check out the menu:
You realize, CJ, For that to actually work, you'd have had to logged in as you,
Navigated to Community->Profile , then selected the "Edit my Profile" link on the right, under "Actions",
then edited "Custom URL" under Profile, then click on "Save".
You fail. Try again.
Indeed. Have you managed to keep claire away from KaDeWe ?
Gone for a stroll down Ku'Damm
Or checked out The Wall - Both of them
Pop Quiz : How many albums/tracks can you name with a Berlin Theme? U2 + David Bowie spring to mind. Enjoy! Could make the basis for a playlist / drinking game.
If you can't get spotify in Germany, there is Simfy
An anonymous owner of a Porsche 911 donated his troublesome car to a local gun club rather than pay more than $20,000 to have it fixed. The wealthy motorist was so fed-up with the car's constant engine problems he was happy to see 140 members of the MasNoNoNoNoNoNosetts club Comm2A fire 10,000 bullets into it. Photographer and gun enthusiast John Beauchemin says: "By the end of the shoot, the Porsche was so perforated that it was folding in half under its own weight. It was hauled off to the junkyard on a flatbed."
And set fire to sheep.
Well, it is their national sport, after all.
That looks a decidedly petite glass. Must be French. (hence the off with its (lack of) head)
Now if you were in The Fatherland, they would show you what a real girls drink looks like
Al , enjoy your Teutonic Trip, and don't forget the weisswurstfrühstück (an excuse to have beer for breakfast) in Munich
Helpful hints: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A412534 + http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A593697