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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Those Dates work here, we can bring This To help
  2. But, How do you sharpen a ring?
  3. A congrat each!
  4. I guess you need something to cope with the Sous Vide Wait
  5. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Where's the Top Gear love? As car based entertainment it succeed (I was entertained). Is it that they have set the bar so high on previous occasions? Or that we're getting jaded?
  6. Grahame


    It will be a deal if you win it! Sennheiser HD-800 Sweepstakes. http://www.sennheise...Gewinnspiel.php (Why am I lowering my chances ...?)
  7. Nothing says Summer in the UK quite like Pimm's (except endless rain, thunderstorms, bank holiday traffic jams, no A/C, French Air Traffic Control Strikes, etc etc )
  8. And without competition, why be competitive? AT&T: 'Eat too much data and we'll strangle you' http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/29/att_throttling_plan/ press release http://www.att.com/gen/press-room?pid=20535&cdvn=news&newsarticleid=32318&mapcode=corporate (with search down, this seemed like the most appropriate thread to post in)
  9. See this from time to time. workaround I use is post see "saving post" hang open thread / previous post in new tab, note my new post has appeared in full at end of thread close "saving post" tab I would be nice if it didn't happen, but it's not the end of the world
  10. Not forgetting and a Zerostat My father used them.
  11. Well, Here's an 80 page thread on the use of wood glue as a vinyl cleaner to keep you busy
  12. Any chance of adding the " 1 Member(s) active in live chat Duggeh " Element on the view new page / New content because that would have everything I need on one page :
  13. Works Here First Unread = star on far left Start Of Thread = Thread Title Last Post = Date + Time on right
  14. Anyone had issues logging in via Tapatalk?
  15. Grahame

    Top Gear

    TwitLink http://twitter.com/#!/BBC_TopGear They do post a lot
  16. Grahame

    Top Gear

    The Interceptors ... A Classic. and the production meeting that led up to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1U99CYEdEQ
  17. Nice Camera Colin, just remember to disable the GPS on those covert missions and to think, you could have had the pink one, instead We expect all your sous-vide's to be georeferenced from now on
  18. WTFnoway.com - A visualization of United States debt Nice visualization of the sums involved (politics aside)
  19. So why did you choose "Honey Badger HVAC"?
  20. How far we have come, man.
  21. And for the Spy's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6FfZ4TTwcQ
  22. Retro Pew, Pew, Pew
  23. ^ Will Thunderbolt allow multiple external displays?
  24. Yes, but how many shoes, Imelda? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq5AvayaMHI Vidlink
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