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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Or come up with a better product for a lower price and dominate the market?
  2. Only a bit longer to wait, Ric. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=662049&postcount=9 http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=662501&postcount=12
  3. Happy Birthday Vicky, enjoy your day.
  4. All kinds of treats and fun in Denver I see. Wish I was there with y'all.
  5. hmm http://bikerjimsdogs.com/restaurant/ - We need a full sitrep from Peter
  6. oooh Teh Shineys! mmmmmm Shineys
  7. Does it come in Red? P.S. Recyle, but don't Fly with it, Auch in Cocktails?, Topping off a Flaming B-52 On a Mission Perhaps?
  8. Paying to receive SMS on a smartphone? That is infuriating. It's even more infuriating when you illustrate the fact to a coworker with an iPhone, showing how originating the text via a free email though one of the sms gateways allows you to mount a free financial "Denial of Service" attack on their account. Its doubly infuriating when you think that SMS originated using free out of band data. Yet it costs more than data from the Hubble Space Telescope The bits do seem expensive , when compared to TCP/IP from your ISP . The Calling Party Pays model works in Europe & elsewhere
  9. Tyll seems optimistic
  10. 1%'ers, more like 81%'ers
  11. Can you stick some of that pizza into chat or G+?
  12. You've all turned up at just the right time http://occupydenver.org/events-calendar/ )
  13. For those actually at RMAF, don't forget to hangout on Google+, so we can see + hear what you're up to
  14. via: http://gizmodo.com/5849492/how-to-use-siri-on-other-peoples-phones
  15. Looked at my first and second edition copies of K&R on the bookshelf, considered where those sub 300 pages have led the world and myself, and mourned the passing of Dennis Ritchie. main( ) { printf("goodbye, world\n"); }
  16. Find another porn site, CJ or try some apps, like these
  17. So when are you hosting the next chocolate covered bacon meet?
  18. All Alden needs now s a cool handle for steam, say SoDoTU ( Son of DoTU ) , a Cool Spray Logo and the appropriate T-Shirt
  19. "To anyone getting 'An internal error occurred.' (3200) while installing iOS 5.0, Apple's servers are swamped, and failing half the requests," iOS developer and jailbreaker Jay Freeman, aka Saurik, said in a Tweet. Other users reported receiving errors codes of 5000. Many users reported their updates eventually succeeded, sometimes after as many as 10 failed attempts. The Register: iOS update woes prompt gnashing of teeth for Apple fans
  20. Grahame

    Battlefield 3

    ^ Indeed. Possibly.
  21. Prior Art?
  22. Bend, or Blend?
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