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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Grahame

    Top Gear

    ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itzi9YwnVxQ http://www.reghardwa...opgear_edition/
  2. “Strike Back,” beginning Friday night, is a British variation on “24” that offers reasonably competent action scenes, depressingly casual depictions of torture and death, and a comic-book conspiracy story line while also being an efficient nudity delivery system. It’s the kind of show in which an agent doesn’t realize there are terrorists in the hotel lobby because he’s upstairs having it off with the waitress he met 10 minutes ago. http://tv.nytimes.com/2011/08/12/arts/television/strike-back-on-cinemax-anti-terrorism-drama-review.html
  3. ^
  4. Another 3.9 Felt it this time (at home) http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Quakes/nc71667591.php
  5. Didn't notice it up here, But the USGS did http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqscanv/FaultMaps/122-38.html http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Quakes/nc71667366.html
  6. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/10/20/one_eyed_mutant_shark/
  7. Short answer Yes: the Switch allows multiple devices to share the Ethernet network at up to Gigabit speeds ( speed depends on network network card / port on device, speeds can be mixed) Longer conditional answer. Yes, If the AEx is acting as the router / DHCP server , then each new device will be allocated an IP address and routing information from the AEx , the switch acting as a port multiplier for the Aex ( you can plug more things into it) If the Aex is acting as a wireless bridge, to a router located elsewhere, Yes, mostly (The Aex acting as a virtual Ethernet cable to a wireless router) Speed is then limited by the speed of the wireless connection. (more info here) Note: Audio Data rates are quite low, depending on source.
  8. Like a Boss, Al. Like a Boss.
  9. Audiophile Centipede?
  10. Grahame


    Anyone still looking for a Logitech/Squeezbox Touch, $209.99 + Free Shipping from Logitech as part of their 30% off / 30th Anniversary sales http://www.logitech.com/en-us/349/9039?moduleaction=view_offer&modulename=30th_anniversary_offer From 8:00am PST (today) and ending at 7:59am PST the following day. Offer valid while supplies last.
  11. You guys sure know how to party
  12. Happy Birthday Carl!
  13. Happy Birthday Peter. Pork Based Treats optional.
  14. ^Indeed, Nice man cave. All you need is the right attitude, and the right t-shirt. EDIT: And of course the right snack
  15. There's always "The other place", and "That Guy", oh yeah, and this thing called Google.
  16. S10
  17. So now they are engaging in Market Segmentation and Price Discrimination ? (NTTAWWT, from the manufacturers perspective) $1000 gets you a lot of music - damn-near-perfect-ly
  18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/8811644/Hidden-BBC-One-Lazy-scruffy-dodgy...-and-lovable-review.html
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