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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. http://usnews.msnbc....ers-santa-shoot Is this what wayne needs to add some "heat" to his set-up? Better not be naughty.
  2. You'll be fighting them off now
  3. How else would they have one?
  4. Oblig:
  5. CJ, you don't need us to tell you what you already know; Congrat, and thanks for sharing.
  6. For Science! "As part of this nutritious breakfast"* Mission Accomplished (With help from Joanne, and Maple Syrup dipping sauce)
  7. Grahame

    Top Gear

    You could always go electric , as long as you dont need to go more than 100 miles ( or less when power sliding ) (as seen at the SF auto show) Yours for only $499 a month if you want to be a *gag* "Electronaut" http://creativity-on...ctronauts/24544 http://www.autoblog....t-drive-review/ Somewhat more attractive was JC's favo(u)rite fax machine, The McLaren MP4-12C The BBC just did a very interesting documentary, "How to build - A Supercar" On the manufacture of the MP12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXgs1yCH7LM Edit: I've heard its available in 720p , if you know how to use the net
  8. It exists. I'll just have to try and get there before the Kitchen shuts next time.
  9. Someone 'shop this as required.
  10. Grahame


    So what games are you going to add to your backlog? , or having played them whats worth getting at these prices? Orcs Must Die for less than a Grande Caramel Macchiato?
  11. iPhone 4S is for failures who work in coffee shops - Samsung Surely not. http://www.theregist...pples_branding/
  12. Recreate the sound of a blown crappy car subwoofer - in headphone form? 'cos thats how they roll?
  13. Like this chap ? http://www.littletinyplanet.com/wordpress/?page_id=848 (Friend of a co-worker)
  14. Strong. Like Bear!
  15. UC Davis Pepper Spray incident http://www.sfgate.co.../a123431S68.DTL http://www.sfgate.co.../BAK71M2548.DTL http://www.sfgate.co.../a181039S04.DTL EDIT: Knucks beat me to it.
  16. Grahame

    HBD JP11801!

    Happy Birthday, Sir!
  17. Its full of Gingers!, approach at your peril or be sucked into the Ginger Singularity! Colin =>
  18. Grahame

    Top Gear

    SInce Jeremy made one, its only fair the boys have a go as well.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. How brave do you feel? http://www.instructa...uotauto-revers/
  21. Grahame

    Google Music

    Introducing Google Music: Discover, buy, and share music, wherever you want, whenever you want. Google Music lets you store your personal music library (up to 20,000 songs) in the cloud for free, and starting today, you can buy millions more in Android Market and share free plays of them with your friends on Google+. http://music.google.com/about/ http://gizmodo.com/5...rything-we-know Google Music Store Chases Apple’s ITunes 8 Years Too Late http://en.wikipedia...._Beta_by_Google http://googleblog.bl...r-business.html Exclusively on Google Music We’re celebrating our launch with a variety of music that you won’t find anywhere else, much of it free. There’s something for everyone, with a variety of free tracks to choose from: The Rolling Stones are offering an exclusive, never-before-released live concert album, Brussels Affair (Live, 1973), including a free single, “Dancing with Mr. D.” This is the first of six in an unreleased concert series that will be made available exclusively through Google Music over the coming months. Coldplay fans will find some original music that’s not available anywhere else: a free, live recording of “Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall”, a five-track live EP from their recentconcert in Madrid and a remix of “Paradise” by Tiësto. Busta Rhymes’s first single from his upcoming album, Why Stop Now (feat. Chris Brown), is available for free. Shakira’s live EP from her recent concert in Paris and her new studio single, “Je L’Aime à Mourir” are both being offered up free. Pearl Jam are releasing a live album from their 9/11/11 concert in Toronto, free to Google Music users. Dave Matthews Band are offering up free albums from two live concerts, including new material from Live On Lakeside. Tiësto is offering up a new mix, “What Can We Do?” (feat. Anastacia), exclusively to Google Music users.
  22. ^ On Google+ ?
  23. I see Wayne is wearing his big key, on his left. Care to help us out with its significance, Steve?
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