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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Surely a wee medicinal dram is called for? And some appropriate crisps?
  2. Grahame

    Top Gear

    4th Episode was a good one if you are a fan of Bentley's , Ancient and Modern. Any of Team Florida familiar with Desoto?
  3. I think they have they have the facilities on hand for that
  4. Al, How did you square the "I use an iPhone, and own several Mac's" conflict of interest? or is that just a naive outsiders view of proceedings? Are only jurors required to be unbiased?
  5. Ken, you're being rational again.
  6. Can you not appeal to hubby's sense of symmetry and move the chair?
  7. ^ this : http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/02/why-pinterest-is-playing-dumb-about-making-money/253273/ They pretend that they don't care about making money off of users and we users pretend that we aren't the product. 1)We know Pinterest is driving truly massive traffic to retail sites, by some accounts more than YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+ combined. It is, after all, a platform that's perfect for shopping! 2) We know Pinterest used SkimLinks to add affiliate links. 3) Affiliate links generate revenue.... And how to play the game http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204792404577227542820850590.html?mod=googlenews_wsj Be selective. Highlight only a few of your most popular or newest items so your profile doesn't look like an advertisement Best quote elsewhere "It's like crack. for ladies"
  8. Happy Birthday Colin!. Enjoy your bedtime reading.
  9. ^ now that's what I call precision engineered schadenfreude
  10. http://www.reghardwa...es_in_led_suit/
  11. Happy Birthday Steve, Enjoy your treat!
  12. Happy Birthday Ed, you look good for your age. It must be those bacon based beauty products you use. Have Fun! http://guyism.com/lifestyle/22-items-that-will-allow-you-to-entirely-bacon-up-your-day.html
  13. Indeed. El Reg: Apple seeks permission to kick Kodak's corpse
  14. Sandy Bridge, or Ivy Bridge. Rumors Say Ivy Bridge. Post April 8 http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/12/28/intels_mac_bound_ivy_bridge_cpus_rumored_to_launch_april_8.html
  15. Meanwhile in the UK . http://www.bbc.co.uk...t-arts-17039076 Whitney Houston: Sony 'sorry' for album price hike Record label Sony has apologised for increasing the price of two Whitney Houston albums in the UK, hours after her death on Saturday. The wholesale cost of the two LPs - Houston's Ultimate Collection and Greatest Hits - went up by about £3 each, causing an automatic price increase on iTunes. In a statement, Sony said the albums had been "mistakenly mispriced". It added the error was "immediately corrected" once it had been discovered.Houston fans had taken to Twitter describing the price hike as "greedy" and "shameful". Edit: El Reg chimes in http://www.theregist...ney_price_hike/ Today, Sony Music finally responded to the hue and cry, blaming a clerical error for the price change: Whitney Houston product was mistakenly mis-priced on the UK iTunes store on Sunday. When discovered, the mistake was immediately corrected. We apologise for any offence caused. Quite how the albums accidentally jumped up in cost only on the UK iTunes store and immediately after Houston's death was not explained. ®
  16. Grahame


    Ken, This ran fine on the HD2000 on My i5 @ 1920x1080, I think it uses the UT 2K4 engine - so its not that demanding, You can tweak the graphics settings. Plenty of Can I run Killing floor on xxx posts out there on the web, may help you judge your specs vs theirs.
  17. Grahame


    ^ indeed. and for only $4.78 you can get the game and all the DLC character packs. It is a fun game with zombies. And Fitz most days/nights as he levels up
  18. This has been on my to-do list forever. Now that the lounge setup is in a stable state, and I have a beefy enough server it may happen. No doubt you've read this thread (and the referenced threads) on the slim forum. I'd be interested in your progress.
  19. It's a wonder that any device works that takes an external input. * External digital input ? * Standards Compliant ? * Pass / Fail ?
  20. WAT = Volvo with stove that has operating permit by the Swiss technical inspection authority http://www.metro.co....d-burning-stove It’s cold in Europe. So cold, a Swiss guy put a wood stove in his Volvo
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. ^ so what you're saying Mikey is that you always wanted a jump suit, thought that they were way cool, but never had one?
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