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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Grahame


    You mean just the (other) bits?
  2. There are rules, you know Obey the rules!
  3. Agreed. Better mastering would be an achievable win, as an opposed to pure specsmanship on the delivery container. But to misquote the samsung ad. "But if it looks the same, how will people know I've upgraded we be able to charge more"
  4. Happy Birthday to the Yank in England from the Limey in America. Only seems fair.
  5. OK, Given penalty's, and unknowable income / costs avoiding a known downside, for a sub optimal upside seems a reasonable trade off. It's almost as if they ( or their lobbyists ) designed it that way.
  6. This interests me. Why do people think that lending their money to the government (and the state) for the year, and then getting it back at the end, without any interest is a good idea? Whereas keeping your own money, and only giving what you owe ( and not a dollar more) at the end of the year is a bad thing? People lack the financial discipline not to spend money that won't be theirs? Getting money you couldn't be bothered to track is a nice surprise?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A5t5_O8hdA
  8. Surely
  9. Grahame

    Top Gear

  10. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Indeed it does
  11. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Does your car shoot blue flames out the back?
  12. Done a couple of times, from a couple of different browsers, from a couple of Different (external) IP addresses
  13. Grahame

    Top Gear

    ^ All the better to enjoy the automotive pr0n
  14. Thanks to a craigslist hit in Fairfield (hence yesterdays burger garnished bacon in Napa) transformed this Into This Allowing me to enjoy this And address Shelly's concerns over symmetry (and line up better with viewing from the sofa) All I need to do now (next weekend maybe) is to find a buyer for the now surplus to requirements ..
  15. Not Fritz the night owl, your later night alternate persona?
  16. A Tasy Burger with you know what, in Napa, earlier today. At this fine dining establishment. Nice to sit outside in the sun.
  17. Grahame

    Top Gear

    S18 Looks to be very interesting http://transmission.blogs.topgear.com/2012/01/27/video-james-and-jeremy-introduce-series-18-of-top-gear/
  18. Likely in.
  19. Driving something else perhaps? Or the NAD C 390DD Direct Digital Powered DAC Amplifier with page__st__40__p__492807#entry492807 ?
  20. ^ Too many notes
  21. -- Ugly 'Bad Boy' Jackson --
  22. The Reg outdoes itself with its latest NSFW "fondleslab" article http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/01/26/ipad_fleshlight_design/
  23. Beer and PaintBall ? sounds like this? http://www.pissup.com/sofia/tours/activities/856 Welcome to Head Case.
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