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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. ^ so what you're saying Mikey is that you always wanted a jump suit, thought that they were way cool, but never had one?
  2. IT GUY ANSWERS DAUGHTER'S FACEBOOK RANT BY SHOOTING HER LAPTOP http://www.theregist...ughters_laptop/ An angry American IT pro has responded to a rude Facebook post from his daughter by riddling her laptop with a fusillade of bullets and posting video of the shooting on YouTube. FB thread http://www.facebook.com/tommyjordaniii/posts/299559803434210
  3. Just in passing, to mention to all the Bay Area HC'ers. My coworkers Pink Floyd tribute band, House of Floyd will be playing Yoshi's SF on March 02. Two 90 Minute sets. DSOM, and WYWH. They are curious how it will go down given Yoshi's smoke-free nature, copared to other venues they have played. Something to discuss on Saturday.
  4. Crappy, obviously. But he's still washing Steak Knives. He needs http://www.diamondbrands.com/pages/steak_knives/66.php and if he wants to impress, he should upgrade the plates to http://www.mychinet.com/products/family/1 or http://www.mychinet.com/products/family/3
  5. But Sylvia Sims?, You Would, Wouldn't You?
  6. Grahame


    Plants vs Zombies GOTY edition (PC + Mac) $2 on steam until the 13th. http://store.steampowered.com/app/3590/?snr=1_4_4__106_1
  7. Naamanf gives Steve wood with metal?
  8. It may even be constitutional.
  9. Meanwhile in the UK www.whathifi.com/news/headphones-thrive-while-consumer-electronics-sales-slump
  10. Happy Birthday Jeff, maybe something to add to the collection?
  11. Or Snow in Rome for the first time in 26 Years.
  12. Plenty more like that. Canals frozen over in Venice(!) and Amsterdam.
  13. Grahame


    Yes. Concur.Series 1 had pilot + 3 episodes.Series 2 had 3 episodes. Series 3 has been commissioned.. Autumn is a Season.
  14. ^Chris, was it the number of built-in Cup/Beverage holders that did it for you?
  15. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Fuck Yeah! or should that be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nobj204OK8
  16. Grahame


  17. Grahame


    Nate has joined the HC steam group and been gifted. 1 left. (does EdWood PC game?)
  18. Grahame


    Yep, What you're not part of the Steam HeadCase group ? . Tut Tut
  19. ^japan
  20. Grahame


    Gifted. 2 more available, for less than double-double. paying it forward.
  21. It's all about the context.
  22. Grahame


    Hmm 4 pack < $20 . Who is interested ( via Stream HC group?)
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