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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. ^ CJ not fun but not the end of the world. IAG looks only 4 miles from the falls, so taxi to hotel tonight, taxi to car rental place tomo (call ahead though), Simples!
  2. Grahame

    Top Gun 2?

    With rumors that Top Gun 2 is to go ahead El Reg has its very own amusing take on how it just might turn out. Hint: vs
  3. Happy Birthday, Sir!
  4. RIP Davey. And people think manufactured boy bands are a recent phenomenon. Now maybe one of you far out groovy cats can tell me what Head was all about?
  5. That sounds about right given current exchange rates. It wil be interesting to see if others follow their lead.
  6. Ric, Don't know how quickly you are thinking of pulling the trigger , and what your combined budget is, but check out the the imminent launch of the ADM40 active floorstander from avi - hifi in the UK . Sales blurb here Lots of discussion here and here The HDD forum has some quite interesting discussions with a bias towards active loudspeakers (since that's what they sell) and apple gear (as that's what the majority of their customers use / are pointed towards for an "it just works" experience) Their director/salesman is an interesting chap, having been around a bit, and ex ATC
  7. Grahame


  8. Are you metered and thus paying for the leak as if you consumed it? ouch. Hope your plumber is a good one.
  9. Kayak is showing SFO<->NYC < $300 on Virgin America. hmmm.
  10. Ari's Sister / Cousin ?
  11. WTF Japan? What you see are not see thru skirts . They are actually prints on the skirts to make it look as if the panties are visible . This look is the current rage in Japan and apparently you select the style you want depending on the shape of the derriere you are willing to showcase
  12. Concur on the charm of Niagara on the Lake. Quite the change in pace from the crass commercialism of Niagara Falls. Plenty of Tea Shops.
  13. ^ You would have thought that MIT would have heard of WebEx/Skype/Google+ . Requiring physical presence is soo last millennium. Won't someone think of the children carbon footprint.
  14. Darwin in action?
  15. Silly Monkey. Are you sure you have selected the correct drinking game to accompany the event? Or the correct security detail
  16. Grahame

    Top Gear

    ... Winnie The Pooh with Road Rage ...
  17. Happy Birthday Naaman. May you avoid retreating blade stall!
  18. Congrat!
  19. Seems they go both ways. More info here http://www.audioafic...dphone-amp.html Topless!
  20. Log tables on a Stick? as one of my old maths teachers called them.
  21. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Meanwhile in the UK, El Reg reports Court rejects Tesla’s latest libel spat with Top Gear Check out the comments section for What a giant, giant muppet # This ex-BBC ( now Daily Mail) Mr Titus is: "My favourite thing about owning a Tesla is the opportunity for thought leadership. I’ve never owned a car that inspired people to photograph me with on the street. Women flirt with me at stoplights. Kids chase me and ask if it’s “the electric one that doesn’t need gas” [...] There are significant UK tax benefits, and a host of other government incentives, just for driving a great car!." http://www.teslamotors.com/blog/i-fell-love-tesla-roadster-very-one-driven-jeremy-clarkson
  22. Kafka was an optimist.
  23. ^ Yah, that could be problematic with previous technologies
  24. Hmm perhaps because the marketing slogan "input modified to produce less worse output from proprietary post processing" isn't as snappy as "Mastered for iTunes". Comments point out that if we could get the Studio masters, they couldn't sell us all the different versions, as we'd be free to down-rez/down sample as appropriate for our own needs. It's not as if they are fully exploiting / limited by 20-20Khz and 96dB as it is. You might as well say Mastered for Yamaha NS10. To the OP: Vinyl Convenient? if you call having to get up every 20 minutes or so to change sides convenient.
  25. MS attack ad -> gmail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDbrX5U75dk Makes you nostalgic for cuddly old Echelon
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