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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Isn't there an app for that? EDIT: Yes there is iDevice : https://itunes.apple...d390419489?mt=8 Android : https://play.google....catorfree&hl=en Windows Phone: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/where-did-i-park/c7265d71-fd35-49d0-9252-e377128410ad
  2. A likely story. That's just the Ginger Gigolo scouting out a new territory
  3. Happy Birthday Dinny. You get to wake up in the city that never sleeps. Have fun, and tell us the jucy details
  4. Tethering is a built in feature of later versions of android. Whether you are charged for the same packets to depart from your phone, having already already arrived, depends on your carrier and plan (i.e. this is shareholder profitability limitation, not a technical limitation)
  5. More Details and Pics over at Stereophile.
  6. Birthday Seafood with Joanne.
  7. Today's pre Bond "Snack"
  8. Happy Birthday Guys. I think Mikey just might be able to find something to celebrate with. (Birthday Bacon, obviously )
  9. Craigslist had This: Sanus 4 Shelf TV / AV Stand - NF204 - $150 \ Or this in Cherry Sanus 5 Shelf Audio Stand - $125 (los altos)
  10. How about a nice game of chess? EDIT: ...or play DEFCON on STEAM (on Mac as well)
  11. If its a guy * you throw like a girl if its a girl * you throw like yo mamma Stephen Hawking could do better than you!
  12. Somewhat related This technique is known as sledging in cricket, but tends to be more specific, aimed at the particular player, rather than a general insult. leading to one of the best exchanges .... McGrath: Why are you so fat? Brandes: Because every time I f**k your wife she gives me a biscuit.
  13. Maybe Larry should buy his next iPad from Walmart - they drop it so you don't have to! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=L_DLJK4o2YM http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/11/09/walmart_employees_filmed_trashing_ipads/
  14. Went to a Microsoft retail store at lunchtime with other co-workers, just because. Definitely an "Uncanny Valley" experience where you felt you were in a store, to misquote Douglas Adams that was almost, but not quite, entirely like an apple store. The main difference being the microsoft store used darker wood for the top surfaces of their tables. Other people have had similar experiences. http://news.cnet.com...he-apple-store/ Definitely moving towards a future full of devices geared for consumption of purchases rather than ever more capable Turing Complete general purpose computers. Ho Hum.
  15. How well do these short cables meet your requirements? http://schiit.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=0&products_id=12 (of course they don't say how long they are. Maybe they are intimidated?) blue jeans cables minimum length seems to be 1 foot.
  16. The Image search term you are looking for is "reflectoporn" ... or not.
  17. That was then, but this is now ...
  18. When you can't legally vote (as a non-citizen) they tend to not call you in the first place (assuming their databases are accurate)
  19. Grahame

    Top Gear

    TG related. JC was the guest host on the latest HIGNFY ooh looky here (while it lasts) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swb6vDjb2v4
  20. Another good bacon day. This is habit forming. P.S. Ken, it saves on the washing up
  21. http://www.whatdoestheinternetthink.net/bacon Obviously.
  22. That way it qualifies as a "healthy" breakfast
  23. Et VoilĂ !
  24. And so it begins ...
  25. OK, Here's the plan.
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