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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. And what does it look like collapsed, er, folded?
  2. Grahame


    The Humble Deep Silver Bundle Nine wild games and a load of DLC. Pay what you want and get the urban warfare adventure Saints Row: The Third; the open-world action-adventure game Saints Row 2; the swashbuckling fantasy action RPG Risen 2: Dark Waters; and the hack-and-slash RPG Sacred 2: Gold Edition. If you pay more than the average, you’ll also receive the survival horror RPG Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition, Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package which includes a bunch of DLC, the horror first-person shooter Metro 2033, the heroic action RPG Risen, and the vibrant action-packed brawler Sacred Citadel. And if you pay $25 or more, you’ll get the sequel to Dead Island, Dead Island: Riptide. https://www.humblebundle.com/
  3. Grahame

    RIP George Duke

    RIP George. No more Clarke/Duke Projects then. Glad I got to them together when I did.
  4. Makes it sound like Krill!
  5. Stock on the Google Nexus devices - both now on 4.3. Don't have to wait for a third party for upgrades.
  6. Grahame

    Top Gear

    More web video's of the filming of the Very British Ending. Damp Overcast of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjZ8rdUfhs4 Spot Jeremy having a crafty fag .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOaYgVNesvs
  7. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Jeremy did like the F Type Initially ...
  8. The Chicken and the Corn were most excellent (as was the company). They went well with
  9. Joanne and I made Chocolate Mousse, that we took round to Al and Claire's along with some Strawberries and Chocolate & Hazelnut Biscotti Yum. Very Chocolaty
  10. At least you can enjoy the lake in the sun. Oh wait, you wanted shade.
  11. So mac laptop , play on laptop -> sling desktop -> Apple TV -> HDMI out -> TV? (wires trailing across the room are so last millennium) Of course If you used other* means to get your content, you wouldn't suffer the limitations of Streampix . * Other streaming services are available.
  12. Chromecast ?
  13. Just Noticed Thread Title has wrong Dates, actual Show Dates (as per link) are August 9-11 in case that makes a difference.
  14. Congrat on finally giving the NSA a real time update of your location, and a new row in their metadata database , Steve
  15. Happy Birthday Todd. Many thanks for making this place happen.
  16. ^ Bacon Fail!
  17. Thinking about it, Saturday perhaps http://www.head-fi.org/t/663414/headphone-meet-at-the-headmaster-in-san-francisco-8-10-2013 or perhaps not. Or Perhaps, Even if Justin only only gets one mention now http://caaudioshow.com/headmasters-at-cas4 His two systems don't look too shabby http://caaudioshow.com/cas-exhibitor/headamp-audio-electronics
  18. A local cake shop made a promotional delivery to our office today. I was a "team player"
  19. Don't overpay Posty, remember monoprice. http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=108&cp_id=10833&cs_id=1083314&p_id=9724&seq=1&format=2 http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=108&cp_id=10833&cs_id=1083314&p_id=10019&seq=1&format=2
  20. But since this is Head Case
  21. http://shop.emotiva.com/collections/processors/products/stealth-dc-2
  22. S3, E3 + E4. Fans of S1 + S2 will not be disappointed
  23. It's a sad day when Toasted Bread > Bacon according to legal opinion.
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