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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. More best wishes for Quest.
  2. If you're interested in Immi's studio, I suggest you watch Everything In Between which amongst other things details the commissioning and use of her studio. Well worth it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjldKbU4xZE Or watch all her vBlogs
  3. Saw this bargain in Costco
  4. Mikey ? http://www.whathifi.com/news/linn-launches-limited-edition-whisky-cask-sondek-turntable
  5. ^ Presumably it tastes like ...
  6. Yay! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH-B6A04iK0
  7. Anyone with a device that displays locked bitrate that can confirm / deny that the Apple TV re-samples 44.1 -> 48 KHz , as opposed to AEX leaving it unmolested ? ( not that you are likely to hear the aliasing, but still, for the OCD types amongst us ...)
  8. Grahame

    iTunes Radio

    Or just all the aggregated data they (and the NSA) have collected? "Terrorists who listened to this also listened to ...." Time to listen to the Team America: World Police Theme song again, I think
  9. As in the "First Church Of ..." ?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgzZ_nLOJJE
  11. There's an App for That ... http://www.businessinsider.com/photo-syria-rebels-with-mortar-and-ipad-2013-9
  12. Happy Birthday 'Stretch. Don't lose your head. Next one in the UK?
  13. Sorry to hear your stuff situation sucks, Nucks', But Remember .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrdEMERq8MA
  14. So good, you get to smell it twice
  15. Article: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/15/nsa-mind-keith-alexander-star-trek Brochure: http://www.dbia.com/projectpage/LIWA.pdf Aeron's All round then?
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Ric ^ Standard or Deluxe ? ; She's playing in SF (sold out )
  18. Grahame


    Yet another Humble Weekly Sale, that raises a retro smile This week, pay what you want for Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, Shadow Warrior Classic Redux, and Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition! If you pay $6 or more, you'll also receive Hard Reset Extended Edition and System Shock 2! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HVtqcGm-ZA
  19. +1 on i'ts just stuff. Stuff can be replaced. People: not so much.
  20. RIP Ray. http://www.dolby.com/us/en/about-us/who-we-are/remembering-ray-dolby.html http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-sound-pioneer-ray-dolby-has-died-20130912,0,254453.story http://gizmodo.com/ray-dolby-innovator-of-cinema-sound-has-died-1303210020
  21. Maybe the police thought rubber hoses, rather than computational brute force ..
  22. I see what you did there
  23. As is this http://schiit.com/guides/dsd-setup simples, eh?
  24. Sous Vide on the cheap? http://techcrunch.com/2013/09/09/hands-on-with-the-anova-automatic-sous-vide-system/ http://www.sousvides.com/ (or cheaper yet by putting a new control system on existing cooking devices) http://techcrunch.com/2013/07/23/codlo-kickstarts-a-sous-vide-machine-for-us-gastronerds/ http://www.codlo.com/ What say you Colin?
  25. The 77" comes in other, more compact, sizes?
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