Went back to the rheumatologist to have my knee drained
And another cortisone injection to knee, due to my knee swelling up again. Frustrating.
Both helped, but I had hoped to avoid another visit, as before Christmas I was thinking of discontinuing physiotherapy as I had reduced swelling and made good progress,
and thought I was well enough to take a 10 day road trip to Vegas, etc.
Knee swelled up on trip, and I put it down to "too much, too soon" - loss of extension + flexion due to swelling - no loss of activation of quads as previously - thank goodness, but this may have set me back a bit.
Dr thinks It might be down to effects of previous cortisone injection wearing off.
Either way we have a baseline to work from - I'll see how my knee is next week to see if physiotherapy makes sense - it should be easier this time.
So If I look after my knee, in about two months time, we'll know if my knee has significantly improved, or if we are into a repeating cycle and we can look into medicinal treatment rather than rinse, repeat. Ho Hum.