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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Voltron gel? Defender of the Unwell?
  2. What are you, wheelist?
  3. Triode's plugin is for squeezeserver. It works with software players as well as logitech hardware players .... one software player is squeezeplay http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezePlay https://code.google.com/p/squeezeslave/downloads/list?q=label:SqueezePlay So you could run it https://code.google.com/p/squeezeslave/downloads/detail?name=SqueezePlay-7.8.0r328.dmg&can=2&q=label%3ASqueezePlay on your mac desktop to listen to the spotify stream ( without P2P) EDIT: or in my case
  4. Android App - Streaming Quality = Extreme (=320K) Triode's Spotify App ( for slimserver) , (setttings) Stream Quality = 320K So you could listen to a 320K non P2P stream on a sofware player on your desktop ( or just use a smartphone over WiFi)
  5. Does it make Sacramento / I-80 tolerable, Ric?
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. What Swiss / Pirate BSB Stereotype gives us the abomination "danalogue" then ... e.g. The LHC-208 "danalogue" streaming DAC with integrated amplifier http://www.dartzeel.com/index.php/en/
  8. Inefficient planar iems. problem solved!
  9. I think the SB Touch App is non P2P as there is no/limited local storage. Spotify Premium is required. Triode's Server Based plugin is similar / Better , as it has more (menu) options, and allows you to stream spotify to older / software based clients .. (not just touch and radio) (non p2p also as it uses the web api ) More Details here ... http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?96330-What-steps-do-I-take-to-download-and-install-Triode-s-Spotify-plug-in
  10. That's because the spotify desktop app is peer-to-peer http://blog.launch.co/blog/did-you-know-spotify-uses-peer-to-peer-networking.html http://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-and/Spotify-P2P-uploading-and-cache/td-p/311368 http://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-and/Unadvertised-P2P-feature/td-p/398612 But that's changing .... http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/17/spotify-removes-peer-to-peer-technology-from-its-desktop-client/ http://torrentfreak.com/spotify-starts-shutting-down-its-massive-p2p-network-140416/
  11. Inefficient protocols, Meta data to the NSA ....
  12. If your car is suitably pre-historic, something like this
  13. ^Isn't that what minions are for, Brent?
  14. Don't those sort of people prefer to use full size tablets/iPads to demonstrate their lack of awareness?
  15. But no "head control"?
  16. Always have a pair of tongs by the SV?
  17. Cheeseburger with jowl bacon! .... All gone ...
  18. http://theshownewport.com/visitors/index.html Any 'Casers contemplating attending? Looks like Tyll is http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/its-happeningsoon-show-newport-may-30-june-1 Trying to persuade Joanne that it might form the basis of a (non-burning) road trip there and back via the usual suspects (SLO / SB) The weather should be nice. Any thoughts?
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Meanwhile, "What did you use as an edit suite" "A Bentley Mulsanne" (See the "Making of" at the end) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyYhM0XIIwU http://www.loopinsight.com/2014/05/15/bentleys-new-ad-shot-on-an-iphone-5s-assembled-on-an-ipad-air/
  21. Or use the squeezebox client / plugin ...
  22. Indeed http://www.theverge.com/2012/11/7/3614506/apple-patents-rectangle-with-rounded-corners http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-ipad-design-patent-2012-11 http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/11/apple-awarded-design-patent-for-actual-rounded-rectangle/
  23. Nevermind counterfeits, What about the same product ? Western company contacts Chinese Factory's to produce X,000 items. Factory produces items to contract. Having gone to all the effort of setting up a production line, and a supply chain, , why not run it a little longer ... Western company now finds itself competing against, effectively, its own product with no obvious recourse .. Helps if the item is a commodity, or can be easily re-branded ( sometimes they don't even go to that effort for other markets ...) Thanks western capitalists!
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