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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Goooooooooooooooooooal, USA!
  2. Gooooooooooal, oh, Portugal
  3. Algeria are playing beautiful fútbol, as they must.
  4. Belgium!
  5. from http://thatsnotbreakingnews.com/ via : http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/lists/charting-the-decline-of-breaking-news-9552292.html
  6. Meanwhile FIFA almost shows taste .... http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/17/soccer-world-headphones-idUSL2N0OX1VH20140617 http://www.cnet.com/news/fifa-bans-beats-headphones-from-world-cup-matches/
  7. Grahame


    Newegg has Rocksmith 2014 Edition (PC Digital Download) on sale for $15 - $1.50 w/ code EMCPDW47 =$13.50. Thanks Discombobulated Note, game activates via Steam Client. Must be logged into account. The Rocksmith Real Tone Cable is not included with this purchase of Rocksmith and must be purchased separately. (Via http://slickdeals.net/f/7011992-rocksmith-2014-edition-pc-mac-digital-download-13-50-beyond-good-evil-pc-digital-download-3 )
  8. John Oliver's interview on Fresh Air http://www.npr.org/2014/06/19/323335539/john-oliver-is-no-ones-friend-on-his-new-hbo-show
  9. But first, let me take a selfie
  10. Meanwhile what they say: "At least we lasted longer than Spain" translation: "I feel dead inside"
  11. That Suarez, eh? Not a mathematical elimination for the lads, yet, but an improbable set of results are required for England to progress to the next round. Still it is a Beautiful Game, right?
  12. Happy Birthday David!, Drive easy!
  13. I see what you did there. As opposed to the "sporno" interface?
  14. The real Shelly has returned!, but Where?
  15. Good point. We'll have to ask Colin if he gets a new company phone and what it is!
  16. "A Chile fan taunts Spain who became the fifth holder to go out at the group stage of the next World Cup" With an iPad? http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/25285155 Cheer up Antonio, with the pressure off, you can now sit back and enjoy "The Beauty of the Game". I doubt it will be long before others are in the same situation (myself included)
  17. The internets are not happy Fire Phone UI is a mess - https://twitter.com/joshuatopolsky/status/479330755987124224 So why bother?”-Benedict Evans, analyst “Amazon’s new phone makes sure that the direct line from your bank account to Amazon never tangles.”-@davepell, start-up investor http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-27909104
  18. Yep, It's now official Available direct from Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Fire-Phone-32GB-AT/dp/B00EOE0WKQ etc http://online.wsj.com/articles/amazon-unveils-smartphone-1403114271 http://www.engadget.com/2014/06/18/amazon-phone http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/18/5819516/meet-the-fire-phone http://gizmodo.com/amazons-fire-phone-is-here-at-last-developing-1592702508 http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/amazon-announces-its-first-smartphone-the-fire-phone/ http://time.com/2895275/amazon-fire-phone/ http://m.t3.com/news/amazon-announces-the-amazon-fire-phone Firefly:"It's basically the easiest way to spend your money you'll ever find."
  19. Relief worker, Afghanistan We have to travel light here, so no luxuries: first aid kit, water filter, emergency rations, flesh light, sleeping bag, ground sheet, knife and distress beacon. https://witness.theguardian.com/assignment/538886dde4b0938bbfa32234/1014321
  20. No Critical Endorsement Implied And Thought Your Head-Case Buds Might Enjoy Too this will happen to you. re:1 duh! re:2 see Ari's Like. re 3: Ok, forewarned. I'll be on the alert for "bouncy" big data shoe wearing head-butters
  21. Since America doesn't use rashers .... This research does not apply and is not reproduce-able ... Or if I limit my consumption to less then 3 US equivalent measures .... I should be OK ....
  22. Who are you, and what have you done with the real Shelly!
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