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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. You can always trust them to invade, but they are not to be trusted?
  2. Cowon X7 ? 160 Gb http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0047ZB9XQ/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all Discussion http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=71271 http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=240
  3. Nate, are you still into DIY? Vortexbox gives you the software to host Squeezebox server, and handle ripping duties. Then you can use jivelite /squeezelite to control it from a touch screen http://www.instructables.com/id/Wall-Mounted-SqueezePlayer-with-Raspberry-Pi/ (touch screen is ~$200) Storage is cheap, cheap enough for an SSD - no moving parts. Now put it all in one box That the sort of thing your were looking for ?
  4. Plan B: Hope it stops raining. Still, mustn't grumble.
  5. Happy Birthday Justin. Avoid the In-N-Out soup!
  6. To wind up my local Apple fanboi, I've benchmarked Siri / safari searches vs Google / chrome searches on the same (Apple) hardware, which shows that it's down to the software, and the back end servers, rather than the hardware being the limiting factor. Which annoys him intensely
  7. There is probably an EU directive on such a concentration of Colin Music.
  8. Due to information on Google / YouTube, and a delivery from Amazon today, Replaced this and this With this And this Thanks internets! EDIT: and yes I did remove the plastic bags, first
  9. Like this? (after a night in an alchohol warehouse)
  10. EDIT: Of course fish bacon is already a thing http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/honest-angler/2012/10/fish-bacon-because-fried-fillets-arent-unhealthy-enough As opposed to bacon fish
  11. Congrat on identifying a new market opportunity! Fish Bacon (aka smoked salmon)
  12. (Unqualified? /non-qualifying?) Father's Day brunch with a guest on the deck
  13. Happy Father's Day to all the HC dads. May your offspring appreciate you!
  14. Sorry Shelly. Apparently lasers work on cockroaches according to YouTube. And duct tape. No links /embeds - just for you.
  15. Might be a reflection of something very blue just out of shot. Either that or the use of copper sulphate in modernist cuisine (*joke*)
  16. What was that quote about the car chase in Bullitt not needing a *ing score?
  17. 130 for almost 4 hours, but had not fully defrosted when it went into the jacuzzi.
  18. You know the drill Do you think the pan is hot enough?
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