Gene, prepare to be disappointed. Posty, we live interesting times. Google / YouTube's recent recommendation is spookily on point Gentlemen, and Ladies, I give you ...
I don't disagree, I was merely pointing out that English allows for nuanced levels of disapproval. However, if I were to criticize you ... Don't neglect your sleep But feel free to vent May your bacon always be flat.
While on the way from Carson City to Virginia City I spotted something that caught my interest So we pulled over to investigate further And were not not disappointed Turns out it was something that's been going on for 44 years So we carried on, and saw it from the other end
Replaced these If you look on the edge of the handle you can see how the "Chrome" has broken up / come away. Most prevalent on the the drivers door, so probably repeated stress / use cycle related. So I should be good for another decade or so