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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Happy, like, whatever, folks.
  2. Happy birthday Ken! Wait I've got a better idea. Happy birthday Ken!
  3. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Because you have taste? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tittybangbang
  4. Happy Hour "Nibbles"
  5. This
  6. When in Santa Barbara ... Ken Joanne Guess Who
  7. Unnaturally healthy food thanks to Yelp with Joanne and Ken
  8. Visited Solvang. Because what's more American than a fake Danish Village, staffed by Mexicans and overrun with Japanese tourists?
  9. The rain seems to have followed us, so what could be better than a warming (bread) bowl of clam chowder?
  10. Indeed, most dealers aren't selling you a car as such, but merely using it as a vehicle for extracting money from you. TCO calculations are their kryptonite. Carsdirect.com for the price and manufacturer finance worked for me last time I had to deal with their kind
  11. Only on the lips of a prince
  12. ^mind the allergic reactions! Meanwhile ... Halfway hamburgers
  13. Tasty undeconstructed Pliny bites
  14. This With these people
  15. Indeed. inspired by an interview on NPR, and one google search led to another ... The image url does rather give it away, don't you think? uh-huh
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/10/27/a-dog-shoots-a-person-almost-every-year-in-america/
  17. The Soup Series Finale. End of an era.
  18. Friday Night Sous Vide The vacation starts here
  19. Childless Bacon eater here (by choice). You're welcome.
  20. No Hákarl and brennivín?
  21. So those are the 'Elf & Safety, Seasonal "DO NOT USE FIREPLACE" Red Tags?
  22. Tostones (con mojo), Bistec Encebollado Pudin de pina Pineapple bread pudding served warm with butter and mango sauce
  23. Sous Vizzle Saturday Night ...
  24. Rest up Brent, and enjoy your liquid pain meds
  25. Happy Birthday!
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