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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Happy Birthday, Bryan!
  2. There was some sharing involved
  3. French Toast and Bacon Via:
  4. Got to ride in a 1974 Land Rover With the wheel on the proper side, and weather to make us feel at home That took us to meet a Zebra called Elvis Some rare Antelope And some endangered Giraffe's That Joanne got to feed http://bbryanpreserve.com/
  5. More dessert
  6. ^whats everybody else having?
  7. Bacon Butty Yum!
  8. Lots. Thanksgiving with some non HC friends. Deep fried Turkey, from an electric SV like device 12lb bird cooked in 48 minutes, so very un-sv like Sides included brussel sprouts with bacon Yum ( two types of potatoes, two stuffings etc) And then there was dessert So of course, I had to try a bit of everything. Happy Thanksgiving head-case, to you and your loved ones.
  9. Grahame

    Top Gear

    Coming up ...
  10. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/fox-news-labels-nigel-farage_uk_5829cc61e4b0e18d11a5fcb0
  11. Feeds 2-3 people, or 1 Colin?
  12. Orgeat http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/11/how-to-make-orgeat-recipe-almond-syrup-for-cocktails.html
  13. Happy Birthday JP!
  14. Grahame


    Amazon prime for 79 currency units, for new subscribers, for 1st day of the Grand Tour http://www.theverge.com/2016/11/17/13663192/amazon-prime-deal-79-subscription
  15. Grahame

    Top Gear

    They must have been thinking of you, Mikey ... http://www.theverge.com/2016/11/17/13663192/amazon-prime-deal-79-subscription
  16. Meanwhile...
  17. Grahame

    Top Gear

    A day early in the US? I'm not complaining. EDIT: Because .. #TheGrandTour launches on Amazon Prime Video. (...and that's from 00:01 GMT if you want to get specific) https://jalopnik.com/the-grand-tour-will-actually-debut-a-day-early-in-the-u-1789056123
  18. Kajiki (Blue Marlin)
  19. Fish, cow, pig sliders Fish on green stuff
  20. More Ono Taco's
  21. Kauai free range organic bacon precursor's
  22. RIP Gwen http://n.pr/2frz2R8 As John Oliver said (go look it up, it's now on YouTube) Fuck You, 2016
  23. Encountered the Kauai VW club out on a run / picnic Some very clean rides http://m.thegardenisland.com/news/local/kaua-i-vw-club-catch-the-bug/article_2381b697-6f7a-52df-81cb-5949110a78e5.html?mode=jqm
  24. Lunchtime veggie slice (Tropical Paradise not included)
  25. Kauai Sunrise Shave Ice (mango passion fruit coconut pineapple)
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