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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. This popped into my YT "feed", Ah, memories
  2. Happy Birthday, Colin. (My prompt engineering could do with some fine-tuning)
  3. In MacGuffin news:
  4. More on CED Via Techmoan And (a) Technology Connections (playlist)
  5. Happy Birthday, Steve! "Sure, here is an image of a Happy birthday cake for Steve, presented by a hot woodworking twink hunk"
  6. For all you VHS (and other analog tape) hoarders collectors.
  7. 🐔 🍛, 🍌
  8. It's all over, Tiramisu and Nice Cup of Tea
  9. This may or may not be in in the background tomorrow But at least it will be in 4K / HDR! Superbowl for Free in 4K / HDR , thanks TUBI! https://wapo.st/4jSPiZw And now you can see the other reason for watching https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/07/arts/television/super-bowl-commercials-ads-best-worst.html?unlocked_article_code=1.vU4.FhPH.sVRrpBtdwSpm&smid=url-share (Notice any change in tone due to recent developments?) So now you don't have to.
  10. Happy Birthday, Jeff! Maybe you could celebrate by making something at https://www.lakesidewoodworking.net/ that Brent can't have, then posting it to https://www.instagram.com/woodworkonthelake/ ?
  11. 🦃 🌶️
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2025/feb/04/ai-granny-scammers-phone-fraud
  13. 🇹🇭🟢🐔🍛
  14. 🇹🇭🟢🐔🍛
  15. You Jest, But Roco's Basilisk takes no prisoners. https://slate.com/technology/2014/07/rokos-basilisk-the-most-terrifying-thought-experiment-of-all-time.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko's_basilisk
  16. Ina Garten's Chicken Chilli 🐔🌶️
  17. That's no way to talk about Al!
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