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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. The guitar solo was worth the listen.. Sent me down a rat hole of listening to about 9 live versions of this from the 70s. I found this one fun - Not a super long solo (but good) And da Funk! - and fun to see the changes from 75 and 77 Both boots - and not great sound.
  2. Cheers JP - Happy Birthday and wishing you good beverage.
  3. Grill for single person - Imgur.mp4
  4. mikeymad

    Burning Amp

    Amps Still Burning...
  5. that looks like some tasty mayo you got there... cheers
  6. Nice - watched it during the live stream - then several times since.. !!
  7. cheers team back from great sushi supper and a opened Mac 1946/52yo for birthday whisky cheers
  8. cheers Chris. thanks for sharing a birthday ;}
  9. want. I am not sure what for yet. but still.
  10. Oh come to the west coast where people want DST all the time
  11. https://i.imgur.com/3i6X0LI.mp4
  12. They are just playing with it now --- some better footage now. I think that everyone needs to take lessons from the spaceX teams - there is a new standard in filming events.
  13. How do you solve a problem like Maria?
  14. Chris doing what he does - this time one of the nickle creek tunes.. As someone once said - glad to be alive at the same time as Chris.
  15. So, that is what it looks like to bomb SF ... cool
  16. de-energize this!
  17. Interesting - they swapped out the 300b tubes for 845s? hmmm
  18. sounds about right - reminded me of the 90 hour stories https://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=90_Hours_A_Week_And_Loving_It.txt
  19. Cheers and Happy Birthday Marc...
  20. st paul is a crazy good performer - I went down a youtube hole the first time I saw the tiny desk performance.
  21. cheers Peter.. wishing you a great birthday... [emoji322][emoji322]
  22. Happy Birthday Carl!!! Upping the creep factor..
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