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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. Happy Belated birthdays Ken... -- Cheers
  2. Cheers Ric - Happy Belated Birthday...
  3. coming at you fast...
  4. Recipe please.... (PM if it is super secret)
  5. So we were clicking around the youtubes last night and Sonja was like - Greensleeves? What can they do with Greensleeves? um this... Merry Christmas...
  6. cool - and I would drink his Glen Grant..
  7. I see your problem... More speakers added
  8. This Voice.
  9. ^ agreed
  10. Don't know why it is censored.
  11. RIP Gaz - I don't make many cocktails - but I will. cheers
  12. Happy metal afternoon...
  13. Is it just me - this image has the opposite effect of making me zen... very anti zen in fact... @@
  14. mikeymad

    Top Gear

    meanwhile - Seamen
  15. I have to admit I got a little lost right at the beginning - but then the various themes and counter themes came together for me. nice - I like..
  16. mikeymad

    Burning Amp

    I didn't get to go . But people that were there.
  17. The guitar solo was worth the listen.. Sent me down a rat hole of listening to about 9 live versions of this from the 70s. I found this one fun - Not a super long solo (but good) And da Funk! - and fun to see the changes from 75 and 77 Both boots - and not great sound.
  18. Cheers JP - Happy Birthday and wishing you good beverage.
  19. Grill for single person - Imgur.mp4
  20. mikeymad

    Burning Amp

    Amps Still Burning...
  21. that looks like some tasty mayo you got there... cheers
  22. Nice - watched it during the live stream - then several times since.. !!
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