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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. ^^ approve
  2. Wow ... now with authentic bog bit.
  3. thanks Tyll and thanks for the spreadsheets.
  4. From someone that had a Tequila bar (~100 bottles) in their house. Clase Azul Plantino http://www.bevmo.com/Shop/ProductDetail.aspx?N=40+4294967184+4294966731&area=spirits&ProductID=25989&Ns=Name|0
  5. I heard this was pretty good...
  6. Chronic Cellars - 2009 - Purple Paradise Grilled Farmers Market Rib Eye (aged 30 days)
  7. Wow Doug -- looks like you are ready for full production.
  8. Cheers Stretch-- hope you had a great birthday
  9. very nice Al... picked mine up at the SR farmers market
  10. what the monkey said
  11. Great to hear --
  12. little (tall) Chimay blue
  13. Okay I would give it a draw - I am a beverage man - but that is a killer blade...
  14. A Bevmo 5ยข experiment. and some dinner Zinnia - 2009 - Pinot Noir Reserve...
  15. Now that is a morning I can get in touch with
  16. Saturday win goes to Shelly...
  17. Did a tasting at the vineyard last month.. there new batch was nice. I happen to like the current regular release Cab the best. The others would be good for laying down for a bit.
  18. mikeymad


    Thanks Augs... I had the 2003 Cab not too long ago.. and it was just okay for me... I have one more of them that I will give a try.. But pretty good price at K&L for the '99...
  19. I know! ... just missed it... Shelly (but I think that they will last till next Thursday)
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