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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. looks pretty good to me
  2. Cheers -- happy Birthday....
  3. /\/\ approve
  4. Tuesday Local Brew Drake's Brewing -- Expedition Red Ale
  5. Welcome home Lloyd... looking pretty good to me... Cheers
  6. took a while to get through - but I liked it... the way google sees the world.
  7. /\/\/\ want!
  8. /\/\ approve
  9. have a great birthday Jeff... and great drams
  10. Local Brew Tuesday (SoCal Style). (but I wish I was drinking Al's stuff) Telegraph - White Ale
  11. One more before my vacation: Happy BeerGiving: hope your holiday Rocks....
  12. good to hear
  13. first popmarket order - will see how it goes.
  14. FAIL!!:: Live Free:
  15. need more bass
  16. I was waiting for a shout-out... but better to not have to ask...
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