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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. Noted - hmmm they still having a sale... ??
  2. Peter Asplund Quartet - 2008 - As Knights Concur
  3. Punch Brothers - 2010 - Antifogmatic
  4. address please? for future reference.
  5. forgot about that movie ... thx
  6. Company of who? what?
  7. just a shit load of whisky - and don't forget the B1...
  8. nice...
  9. d800 = just works... When shooting the moon I always went on the f16 1/25th rule. That being I start the exposure the same as a sunny day (iso100,f16,1/125th)
  10. http://www.marrybacon.com/
  11. Cheers Jeff - Happy Birthday.
  12. ^^ love that one....
  13. again? they got hit in 2005 as well...
  14. new to me - but seems worthy of checking out - thx
  15. +1
  16. ^this ...
  17. I use a Leap at work - like it... no issues and fits me well. My workmate uses an Aeron, and it seems to work well for him, but he a bigger man than I. If I had a choice right now - I would still take the Leap,
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