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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. Local (check) Wine (check) HC Fun (Check) Interested.. yes. would just need enough people to make the money work...
  2. mikeymad


    oh crap.
  3. http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/xdvj89
  4. hmmm - if it came with a bottle....
  5. 1Bil? I didn't buy any headphones last year... oh well.
  6. Never claimed otherwise...
  7. Oops - my bad.
  8. ^^ I want to try too....
  9. Happy Birthday Thrice... cheers
  10. Pleasure was mine Steve (and Frank) - thanks for letting me squeeze in... Cheers, Mikey
  11. Nice... thanks again
  12. guess I should stop drinking vodka and get some rest... cya soon... Packed the WA5... ES1 developed a transformer hum...
  13. ^^ I have most of those....
  14. ^^ wow that is a lot of kbps!!
  15. Getting my mellow on... Vangelis - Blade Runner (Esper Edition)
  16. Noted - hmmm they still having a sale... ??
  17. Peter Asplund Quartet - 2008 - As Knights Concur
  18. Punch Brothers - 2010 - Antifogmatic
  19. address please? for future reference.
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