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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. ^^ agreed... need more local food trucks... (only Sunday Afternoon that I know of around here)
  2. Dang I already jacked that up with my Pork rib sandwich at lunch...
  3. that is how I prep for a weekend bender...
  4. Melody Gardot - 2012 - The Absence not as sexy as you would think... Oh wait a minute - YES IT IS....
  5. Marcus Miller - 2012 - Renaissance
  6. Not sure I wish to click on a big flashing sign....
  7. Maximo Park - 2012 - The National Health
  8. RIP http://www.leroyneiman.com/
  9. I forgot
  10. Cheers - Happy Birthday.
  11. Kensington - 2012 - Vultures
  12. I don't know about the comics ... but that is some crazy brick laying.
  13. shared google doc https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtGqo68N5yYCdGpZMW9qNldWTVJmZGdqcER5UGJCU2c&authkey=CMWSqM8P
  14. I use my WD Live with it's built in Wireless. able to stream 1080p and ISO's with no issue...
  15. I cannot praise the WD live box enough - plays every file type I have all the way up to 1080p...
  16. I ran out of Bacon - so cooking Bacon SPAM...
  17. aye ... got it... I don't have cable TV
  18. +1 for Corner Gas reference...
  19. I would if it was not so fast for internet.
  20. the start of a long day -- Le Mans 24hr
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