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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. that is freaky
  2. ^^ cool - would share on my FB if it was not for the explicit songs... oh well.
  3. thank you "art"
  4. http://youtu.be/4IzO_DzGpH0
  5. Worth the title sequence and song along...
  6. I cannot say I will make a trip - but I cannot say a trip may not happen, but already planned and paid for mine to ship. Doing a churn and burn shipping for Raffy.. could do it for a few more if needed like Al... (stupid booze laws)... PM if needed. Cheers, Mikey
  7. done
  8. Pretty - But do I disregard because they were on Fox and Friends?
  9. side note - I am sad that I will not be at the TX race - and to gather with others as well. Never really worked out for me.
  10. best Abu Dhabi race to date... cheers to Kimi
  11. poor thing - just looking for guidance in this crazy world...
  12. Retro Family - 2012 - pid Soundtrack
  13. We are great, only because you rule...
  14. well played
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