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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. I am down...
  2. Bacon - in my Grandma's very old cast iron pan that I brought back from North Dakota
  3. nice wayne
  4. hmmm - I guess it is working...
  5. http://youtu.be/tBNHPk-Lnkk hmmm are the media tags not working after update?
  6. mikeymad


    ^^ bought
  7. ^^ FTW... Cheers Gene..... Happy Birthday...
  8. Just fun with Kimi... (I am a fan of the Ice Man either way)...
  9. yeah yeah - I know where I am going...
  10. ... and we are back...
  11. Cheers -- Happy Birthday...
  12. In...
  13. Wow - when I read the first line I thought it was going to take a dark turn... -- Happy birthday to Mexican daughter...
  14. Happy "Sour" Birthday Bryan.... Cheers.
  15. This... Cheers to Button on the win.. Cheers to Vettel on the win.. and cheers to Massa for being a great wingman.. okay Maranello give your man a car
  16. I want shelly to be my aunt...
  17. sorry for the late roll call - Happy Belated Beerthday Jeff... Cheers
  18. holy poop
  19. Happy Thanksgiving HC team... Spending the week with my Momma,... heading off to my sisters for full dinner tomorrow, with many family members. Cheers all.. Mikey
  20. Thai food with my momma .. good night as well...
  21. Cheers JP on your Birthday - wishing you a good beverage..
  22. well done TX for putting on a great race....
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