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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. Cheers Jeffy -- Happy Birthday...
  2. nice .. hope they are competitive.
  3. two limes couple stocks of Rosemary off the back porch fresh oregano Mint Thyme good slosh of Olive Oil salt and pepper to taste all chopped up and sealed in vacuum seal for about 1.5 hours.. Grill super hot... eat... nap....
  4. Minutes later
  5. Those look great... Rack Wednesday here.. lamb
  6. Cheers Bruce.. best to family Bigguy...
  7. Wow.. what a really good race.. I am glad that merc called it in the end (fought til the last few laps).. very good racing all the way... It has been a long time since I have seen a really good race... very sad for Button, happy for Massa for a strong race.. Hard to see the Italians putting up a fight this year. More races like this please.....
  8. Cheers Mike - Happy Birthday...
  9. Happy Birthday Doug.. -- Cheers
  10. Ha... indeed. And also thinking about Masa... It is the Second Race, and you are calling out Team orders? Come on - lets race for a bit.
  11. it's okay....
  12. Crazy Quali - and okay race - but in the end I liked a lot of it.. I liked (most of) the results.. And I liked Masa not following orders.. Still getting use to the new rules..
  13. Ate this... from some trucks Filled this With this....
  14. To the land of my Fav beverage - Cheers Doug... Happy Birthday.
  15. Mikey needs stew... Also it must be nice to live in a world were a bottle of Founders is an ingredient.... enjoy...
  16. Just the Song? or the A Night at the Opera Album? (I am fine either way)..
  17. how did I let the Keenan bands slip through my list...??
  18. getting around to the last feedbands release Lynx 2014 Light up Your Lantern Nice all the way around - more mellow than other feedband releases - but I like a lot.
  19. cool - thx
  20. I think I made one major mistake.. I did the first rise (see what happens), then did the second rise in a glass bowl (see if it comes back). I tried to be as gentile as possible getting it onto a sheet, but it still lost lots of air (knowing that a 3rd rise was not really in the cards). So, my next phase is to get my starter going.. get a nice first rise.. punch down and then form the bread on a sheet (what I did not do).. wait for the second rise.. and then bake away.. but open for any advise/tips.. Cheers, Mikey
  21. made a wild yeast starter a few weeks back.. it was doing good over the weekend so I made my first loaf. the 'Ignacio Madrid MGM sour reserve'... Pretty good -- will work on making it better..
  22. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/97033867/wave-hooks
  23. ah to sell more stuff.. I use my volume controls all the time. the cutaway stealth look should cut down on its radar signature.
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