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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mikeymad

  1. off the vinyl me please site - made me ask for an invite. http://vinylmeplease.com/record-of-the-month/jaguerra/
  2. Let us know how it works out at vinyl me. I have all been happy with feed bands so far. New one just came in. Be calm honcho
  3. They were good - thanks for sharing..
  4. If they ship to you.. one of the best prices.. http://www.klwines.com/detail.asp?sku=1011309
  5. Oh Grahame..... http://www.ladyandpups.com/2014/06/10/devils-on-horseback-ice-cream/
  6. ZeFrank got a paying gig...
  7. "they smoked it too long"
  8. Happy Birthday - Cheers...
  9. Chet Baker & Paul Desmond - 1977 - Together
  10. another old standard for me.
  11. I have been playing with my own wild starter for several months now. And I have really liked the results. I just do a basic starter (water flower) and feed it and work it. It is down to just taking care of it (feeding) several times a week. I used a basic technique from Chad Robertson of Tartine (the best bread I have ever had). You can Look Inside on Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Tartine-Bread-Chad-Robertson/dp/0811870413 And the basics of making a starter are available on page 45. It can be fun, but the trick is to listen to what the bugs want. I have not tried any other yeast (bought). I really wanted the dough to express what is right here.
  12. Think it is going to a a close and tense season for Mercedes this season. Various frustrations around the track for several teams. Too bad for Kimi - had a good race ahead of him, and Alonso always seems to be there way outdriving his car.
  13. and they make a slightly larger set...
  14. Happy Birthday Raffy... -- Cheers
  15. Happy Birthday Brent - Hope it was a good one - cheers
  16. Happy Belated Birthday Rob -- Cheers.
  17. Newspaper dampening base makes sound so nice....
  18. Yeah - my first release that I got from them had lots of surface noise. I contacted them and they sent me a new one (not even asking to return the other). I would contact them - I am sure they will make it right. (I should spin mine to make sure - I am a little behind on my listening)
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