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Everything posted by lross78550

  1. Hey wait a min. I dont want to build the damn thing! i have a life, its not much of a life but .... Levinson didnt make me build the 436 mono blocks they just boxed them up and shipped them to me Lee
  2. thanks for the info jonL, Ill Start Looking. Lee
  3. This amp just showed up on "the other web site" Does anyone have an opinion on this amp? What are the other tubes worth? http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f42/fs-singlepower-mpx3-slam-269408/ For the same money i could have this.. http://www.headphone.com/products/headphone-amps/the-desktop-line/2007-headroom-portable-desktop-amp.php thanks for putting up with the stuuupid newb. Lee Ross
  4. heres an old one on audiogon. I dont know this guy so buyer beware! BTW Thanks so much for everyones help, i really apprieciate it. Lee http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?intatube&1201218270
  5. i hope you didn't get the wrong impression, after reading my post "1st let me clear a few things up" i can see where you might get the impression i have thin skin. I'm sorry if i gave that impression. that's why i put the :) at the start of the post. It was a failed attempt to show humor and self deprecation. again sorry if it gives the wrong impression. Lee
  6. i posted my responce and questions as a reply to knuckledraggers post below BTW hello everyone and thanks for having me. Lee Ross Harlingen, Tx
  7. ok i took knuckledraggers advice and moved over to this site for more information. Yea im the guy who flys Ok let me try to clear a few things up. 1st avaition fuel is $4.95 a gallon and a small single engine airplane burns 14 gallons an hour So i dont own the levinsons or the nautilus 802's anymore I dont really expect 3 grand worth of headphones, amps, and dacs to compete with 7 grand of monoblocks (used) and 6 grand worth of speakers (used). So i figured if its not going to sound "melt in your chair great" i might as well have the convience of toslink (my desktop computer has a toslink out) and usb (my laptop has usb). As i said i have Lexicon MC-12B Balance home theater preamp / processor and i can always feed the amp that if im trying to squeeze out the last bit of sweetness from my headphones and amp. So considering that im not trying to recreate my old levinson/nautilus system in a headphone rig, im just trying to match the sonic qualities that i loved soo much about levinson amps, astounding decay,slighty layed back highs, awesome sound stage and control and clairity of every insturment each individually positioned in its own space ... ahh i just drool thinking about it. The meridian amps actually allowed you to hear parts of recordings that the levinsons rolled off or simply ignored. the meridians left you thinking wow thats awesome reproduction of the recording. the levinsons left you thinking wow thats music. Im sorry im not smart enough and dont have the writing skills to explain it any better than that. I take it from reading some post on this site that rsa is the bose of headphone amps. while im sure that statement is a little harsh, theres no way they could be as bad as bose. Im now left with the same original question who makes a nice smooth headphone amp with control and power to spare. As for my headphones i currently own a really nice pair of telex status d50's just kidding thats my avaition headset. no right now i only own a iem shure se530's but i plan on buying a couple pair of nice headphones once i have something to feed them. I sure hope you guys can help me as im more confused now than ever. With home audio it was easy there where 10 major brands of amps, 10 of speakers, etc. none of them where junk and you just swapped and traded until you found your idea of perfection. Im starting to feel headphone equipment is more like snake oil. I will say that one company at least has what appears to be good customer service i emailed headroom asking about the purchase and exchange posibility of their desktop amps and they replied and said that i could order what ever i wanted and return it for a full refund! no questions ask for 30 days. Thats something that meridian classe or levinson would laugh you off the phone if you ask them for a 30 day free trial what do you guys think about this it has a headphone jack ?? http://www.vtl.com/pages/integrated.html Seriously please give me any advice you can and i really apprieciate you taking the time to read this long post Thanks Lee Ross Harlingen, Tx
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