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Everything posted by EdipisReks1

  1. Has anybody else watched Oasis on Amazon? That was a great pilot.
  2. Apple 100% does not do that. I've replaced a lot of batteries in iPhones for people. I'd say that the guy you talked to is just full of shit, or didn't want to deal with it. Happens all the time. What I really think happened is that something on the board was shorted during the battery replacement.
  3. Somebody has a gifted writing style, but it ain't the shill.
  4. The Mirror Spocks are still about the best sounding Beatles.
  5. That was a damned good cigar.
  6. I think it just comes down to what is important to the listener. I like fairly brutal honesty. The Utopia is definitely, well, Utopian. I want my shit to sound like shit! The RS-1 is a pretty major departure from that, but they just click for me. I don't know why.
  7. Only one way to find out.
  8. I unfortunately won't be able to make it.
  9. I still love my ten year old Ghurka. For jacket carry, I have a Montblanc.
  10. In a minute, it will be some university flake in my Parker Bruyere 45. You might recognize that tamp, Marc.
  11. Is that what the independent place wants? Time for an iPhone 7.
  12. I would take it to an independent place, as it should be cheaper.
  13. The HDTracks version. That reminds me that I need to listen to the first pressing of both the Ellie and albums. I have that. I might have to listen to it, tonight. I remember riding around Las Vegas, in our rented convertible (I have no idea what it was; I was 5) with my mom, with that album blaring on the cassette deck.
  14. I almost always prefer to owe rather than receive a refund, as long as I know what it will be that I will owe.
  15. I have to say that, after listening to the "official non-official" version that I have, for over a week, it is better than the Shure Olive foamie mod. The Shure Olive comes close, especially if you already have some and don't want to spend the money, but, well, the "real" mod fixes the phones. Is this what the HD-800S sounds like? If so, it's what the HD-800 should have been from the beginning. Damn it sounds good.
  16. The Expanse's 2nd season sure made up for the first. I still need to read the newest book.
  17. Paterson.
  18. I'll hopefully know tomorrow.
  19. Harlots. It kind of makes me think of The Knick, the way it's made.
  20. I like one and don't like the other. What else would you have me do? Keep in mind that only one of those phones cost $4000. I'd love for them to sell well; it's in my financial interest.
  21. I was just being a dick. And no, not 'nuff said. You guys realize that I don't really use the Extreme, right, because I pick up radio in my apartment, in the place where I would use it? I've mentioned that before. I had the meet today. I was honestly expecting people to love the Utopias, that maybe I was just weird, and I didn't really talk about them before people started listening, as I didn't want to poison the well. Amps included the KG reworked Squarewave XL, my nearly-maxed Headroom Desktop stack (just missing the SA) , a pretty well stacked DIY Dynalo (I guess these are all ill-suited amplifiers?), some other things, professional gear, that I can't remember, and the Extreme, and several sources. Other people's opinions were pretty much in line with mine. The audio engineers both agreed that they could never use the Focals to mix, as the compressed soundstage made instrument and voice separation very difficult to identify, and that placement would be difficult. The weird aggressive honk in the midrange was also mentioned, and audio engineer friend #1, Simon, asked me if I thought violins sounded like violas on them. He is an audio engineer at my old conservatory, and spends a lot of time listening to acoustic instruments. Strangely, the Extreme was what most people liked the the Utopia the best on, as the honk was less obvious (it also helped that it was hooked to the Electrocompaniet that I'm borrowing from Jim, which I think is excellent). Two peeps, JP and Simon, had previously not liked the HD-800 much, due to the mid-treble tizz, but the SuperDupont mod pretty much fixes that (after listening for the last few days, I definitely prefer the real mod to the Shure olives), and they were greatly preferred. Even HD-600s were preferred, because instrument placement was reasonably accurate, three-blobs be damned, and instruments sounded right. The RS-1s were enjoyed, though nobody thought they were accurate (which, of course, they aren't, but they sure get timbre right, for a lot of instruments), and they certainly have a neat way of placing instruments in space, even if the soundstage isn't very large. I felt quite vindicated. You can believe my report or not, I don't really give a shit. Thank you very much, Todd, for lending them to me. I hope that you like them as much as most people seem to. I was really expecting to. I'll get them back to you in the next couple days. To summarize, I really just don't get it. I think the Utopias are anti-hifi, measurements be damned. They make everything sound the same, and it can be pleasant (the punchy bass is great), but it's not accurate, and I can't hear the room where things were recorded, because there is such a compressed and weird soundstage. Being Mr. Empirical Evidence, it's a tough thing to say, but at the end of the day, I have to use my ears to listen to things. These are the world's best KSC-75.
  22. When did this forum become so anti-expertise? Are the powers that be going to suggest not using vaccines, next?
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