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Everything posted by EdipisReks1

  1. They help me a lot when my back is really in bad shape. Gets me on my feet; otherwise I'd be stuck prone for hours. I think that people, like my mother, who take Xanax for acute anxiety would also disagree. No chemical is inherently good or bad. It's just a chemical.
  2. How much is it flexing connections on the board?
  3. Would taking the wrappers off the batteries help?
  4. I asked ABC to take a picture of the inside of the case back, as I was never able to get the damned thing open. The chrono paperwork shows a test date mid-December, '68, so Rolex was pumping them out as quickly as they were selling to dealers, back then. I thought this crowd might like the picture, especially given that it has marks from when watchmakers still marked case backs.
  5. There is a reason it's called the Tuna, for sure.
  6. happy birthday!
  7. As soon as you get stateside!
  8. The Tuna is certainly a nice watch. The Grand Seikos are exceptionally fine watches, with excellent build and design (if you are a fan of the design school), and often cutting edge techniques. Seiko is the only watch company that is as "in-house" as Rolex, and the Grand Seiko line might even be more so, as I don't think Rolex makes its own lubricants.
  9. It's a bit big for my tastes.
  10. Justin had the same thought. I know (unfortunately) everybody who lives in the building!
  11. I've been asked to go down to the police headquarters tomorrow. I don't think "black guy with a hoodie" is going to be all that useful, in a line up. I won't fuck somebody because of it. I couldn't say who it was if you put a gun to my head.
  12. An excellent article for anybody interested in NYC rock of the early 21st century: http://www.vulture.com/2017/05/the-strokes-an-oral-history.html
  13. Uh, serial killer looking to be stopped?
  14. A manual Karmann Ghia is a lot of fun, though!
  15. Thanks guys. Yeah, a little quiet would be nice, for a while. This might finally get my landlord to install the camera system which he bought, but never unpacked, so at least maybe I have that going for me. Which is nice. I'm just glad I stayed up so late watching a movie, last nigh, though the door to my unit would have been a lot harder to get into than the main door, since I have a deadbolt and a bar, and there is no window in it.
  16. Well, I am having a nice adrenaline crash. Woooooo.
  17. Apparently there have been a spate of burglaries in the area. Cops must have had a patrol here, because the cops were here in less than three minutes. Big marks in the plate on the front deadbolt. My description of the perpetrator was less than helpful, I'm sure.
  18. I think I just thwarted a break in to the apartment building. Calling the police, now. For the would be thief's honor, I would also have run away if I saw me charging, in boxer-briefs and a tank-top, towards the front door of a place I was trying to crowbar open. I'm glad I was still awake, and had taken my wireless headphones off, in prep for going to bed.
  19. I think "shitbox" is harsh, but a Fit would be better, for sure.
  20. The Fit is an awfully nice car for what it is. The Mazda 3 is, of course, in a different class yet.
  21. American Gods, earlier. I don't think an adaptation of this, one of my favorite pieces of contemporary fiction, could be better. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, now. A movie I watch on occasion. I'm a nut for the age of sail, and I think it was marvelously made. It did look better on the big screen than it does on my TV, but I imagine I have more resolution than indifferently calibrated 35mm. I wish more of these movies had been made, as O'Brian's books had a surfeit of wonderful vignettes and stories, most of which would be well suited to the big screen, and Russell Crowe was never better suited for a role. Maybe someday we'll get an excellent big screen adaptation of Horatio Hornblower.
  22. Thanks Chris! A buddy was supposed to come over for dinner. Instead, she got to sit with me at the ER. I'm not quite sure how to make up for that, especially since she missed out on my risotto.
  23. Went to the ER, after passing out, with temporarily altered cognition. I'll just diagnose myself, next time, and save myself the hours and the insurance cost, because the ER doc sure wasn't very much help. Long story short, my water balance is out of whack, so I'll be on new blood pressure meds soon.
  24. I'll let you know how ABC does. I'm having a very specific late 60s chamfer cut into the lugs. If they can do that right, they can do anything.
  25. Zombie Colonel Sanders?
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