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High Rollers
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Everything posted by EdipisReks1

  1. You're right: death squads. I'll keep that in my pocket.
  2. Thanks! And be careful on your bike, Ken.
  3. Thanks Nate. I can't even seem to break a bone, these days.
  4. That's awesome.
  5. I think all I can manage is one or the other!
  6. Thanks, Antonio! I'm going to even have answers to common questions prepared, that's how much I want it.
  7. I wonder who is making the stuff. They certainly look the part.
  8. It looks tough without being too terribly bulky looking. That's a difficult line to walk on. I'm a fan of the left-handed crown, too.
  9. I set up a phone interview for a job I badly want, for next Wednesday. University IT director position, 5 minute commute, excellent pay and benefits. and for once it's a job where people on my reference list are known quantities, and respected ones. I applied Tuesday, so it seems that they are moving fairly quickly.
  10. I love you guys.
  11. Because I know what the CD of the base and R versions is, Jim. it's published, and easily searchable. Unless you think Honda has magic that no other car company has, a mere comparison and look at construction can only lead to one logical conclusion. If you do think they have magic, well, it doesn't seem to be helping them much in F1. I'm out on this topic. The car is a dog, there is a reason it's "limited" here in the US, and the first owners are morons who will pay 25-50% over MSRP for an ugly Civic.
  12. I'm aware of all of that (not the shit part). The point is that the giant wing on the back of the Civic R adds almost nothing to the base car CD. It does nothing. It's impossible for an effective wing of that size to add nearly no drag. The fact that the wing is hollow plastic and bounces when you touch it says everything: it was not made to actually handle aerodynamic forces. A hollow plastic wing would be torn off very quickly, if it actually added downforce. An effective aerodynamic element would require significant stiffness. We don't live in an ideal world, Jim.
  13. I said THE math, not A math.
  14. I'd like to see the math on that. Especially when all the competitors are .1 above the Civic. it's for a specific airfoil, but downforce and drag seem to be rather related... almost like diverting air causes some kind of resistance to the atmosphere. I don't think the base Civic is incredibly more aerodynamic than the base Focus, Golf, or whatever-it-is-that-Subaru-makes.
  15. It was last night, but I think I had an episode of sleep paralysis. I now understand why people think they were abducted by aliens, as I was fairly convinced I had moved to a different parallel universe (it didn't help that somebody was complaining that I wasn't responding to messages that I never received, on Facebook). Very weird. Surreal.
  16. Wut.
  17. My dad's watch is supposed to ship late this week. I asked for lug pics. I couldn't have asked for better chamfers.
  18. I love the very low drag coefficient of the Civic Type R. It means the giant wing and all the aero are doing nothing, as downforce=drag.
  19. You can get marmite in the USA. It's like $9 a jar, but you can.
  20. It's a product of its time.
  21. *phew* I still have 3.5 years, then.
  22. I guess I'm a bandwagoner, but I've been rooting for GS for many years. They play the unselfish small-ball that I love. the Cavs, with Lebron and, especially, Irving, epitomize the kind of selfish ball that was so prevalent in the 90s, that I hate.
  23. That seems like a good way to only hear music when you aren't going down hill.
  24. I saw a guy riding a bike while wearing a pair of HD-650, the other day. I wonder what he was driving them with.
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