I ordered some transformers for me and a friend of team spain two weeks ago and I have them since last Friday, the bigger trafos have these secondaries, 2x 360v@350mA and 1x 18-0-18@600mA, the others have 2x
[email protected].
I haven’t a PSU board to check these HV trafos in this moment and I've only connect these toroids to 230Vac, the result with no load, no noises in the 4 units, the voltage difference between 360v secondaries is less than 0.1v, and the same voltaje in the 18v outputs (in both HV trafos), I can't tell the same of the Toroidys because I have some units with a little noises, and all toroids that I've bought to this people have a little bigger voltage differences in the same outputs than these Torivac trafos.
I ordered these toroids with a "generic" specs and, by default, the Torivac trafos haven't a earth wire in the electrostatic shield (I'm not sure that it's a big problem or not). I asked why these trafos not mount this wire and they respond that it's a optional improvement like the double shields (they mount only a electrostatic), pvc box, the long wires or the mounting hardware. So it seems that the error is mine to think that the earth wire is something normal in a transformer …
For the reference, the price of the hv trafo with these specs is 60.53€/each and 28.32 for the small torid, if I order 10 (or more) units of each size, for less units they add 38€ for each size, the reason is to compensate the time needed to prepare the machine with which they make these products.
I can ask a budget to Torivac for these trafos with all options if there are enough people interested in buying these toroids, although I’m not sure if it will be profitable because the shipping costs in Spain are expensive.