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About Spork

  • Birthday 10/20/1967

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Fishing, camping, kayaking, beer, music, gaming.
  • Location
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  • Location
    The deep south
  • Interests
    Fishing, camping, kayaking, beer, music, gaming, PCs.
  • Occupation
    Nurse manager.
  • Hobbies
    Fishing, camping, kayaking, beer, music, gaming.
  • Headphones
    Currently: Fostex/MD TH-X00, Beyer. T1, STAX 404SE
  • Headphone Amps
    STAX SRM1 MK2 Pro, Stax SRM-T1
  • Sources
    Grace M9XX (DAC.)
  • Other Audio Gear
    Sold it all years ago.

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  1. Inspirational! So if I were to buy some random electronic bits and pieces and throw them in a shoebox I could call myself and amp' builder?
  2. We went to my favourite pub, caught up with a couple of our favourite people, drank some excellent beers, and... won the meat tray.
  3. Spork

    Get your game on!

    Adventuring, story, shooting and driving up mountains. What else do you need in a game? Really enjoying Uncharted IV at the moment, but suspect it won't be a lot of play time to finish.
  4. A housemate had this on nearly a continual repeat back in the early '90's. Almost spoiled it for me - but I still pull it out occasionally, and thoroughly enjoy it.
  5. Happy birthday to my favourite refurbisher and improver of Stax amps. 🎂🍻
  6. Spork

    Speaker Porn

    Most pitcher plants need to be kept moist at all times.
  7. There was a period while I had overlapping hobbies including spending too much money on rare old vacuum tubes, and photography. This isn't technically macro, but it's approaching it.
  8. Spork

    Speaker Porn

    The first "proper" speakers I ever bought. I can't remember if I had the series II or series IV. It was the late 80's/start of the 90's, I don't have any photos. I believe large part of my hearing loss comes from having those (powered by a Dynaco pre and HSA power amp combo) in my 3m x 3m bedroom. I could go to the corner shop and still hear my music. The neighbours must have loved me.
  9. I don't know much about electronics - but I know a hot mess when I see one. Please tell me this is a prototype and not representative of something that was sold to some poor unsuspecting person.
  10. An oldie, but a goodie.
  11. The Ooni's are great. I have one of the older ones (Before they changed the spelling )- it still cooks a good pizza. Wife does tend to over-do the toppings, but she's slowly getting better I like fishing, and it's hard to get better than fresh caught seafood. Greek style char grilled calamari is a bit of a favorite at my place. Simple and easy, but it does work better on a wood or charcoal grill than the BBQ or a fry pan.
  12. I had a couple of goes at photographing ghost mushrooms (Omphalotus nidiformis) which are biolumiscent. A bit like the Aurora Australis the glow is seldom visible to the naked eye. Long exposures + high ISO - hence the noise.
  13. Jumping in here - I'm using a Grace/massdrop m9xx, and TBH I'm happy enough with it. (It's just used as a DAC, I don't have any dynamic HP's these days) I have some upgrades to my other gear incoming - a SRM-006ta from Birgir (modded) and some '007 mk2s. I'm listening to digital files from PS via USB. Am I missing out on much with my current DAC? I've been through this thread and most the recommendations are more than I want to spend at the moment. Is there something that would be much better (and maybe have balanced output) for < $600 USD?
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