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stax fart

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Everything posted by stax fart

  1. Mike Mercer disliked the Utopia (called them sterile sounding), judging by his tastes in audio equipment (Cavalli and +1k headphone cables), Utopia might be the best headphones ever. Really, I didn't care about them but now I want to hear them.
  2. Andy Payor is THE man, if I had that kind of money I would spend it on a Rockport speaker, never heard that kind of detail in such a relaxed manner, and I only heard the entry level model, scary stuff. Didn't heard the turntable but knowing how serious that man is, sound must be impressive.
  3. Rockport Atria are amazing speakers, beautiful sound, I dream with owning one pair since I heard them two months ago. A friend has them with an Ayre AX-5 Twenty, a Rega RP10 turntable with Aphelion cartridge and Accuphase C37 phono preamp, and good treated room. Sound is fkn glorious.
  4. Hifiman is a schizophrenic company, Edition X is like 6 months old and there'll be an V2 version...talk about value and investiment, they're the Cavalli of headphones.
  5. "V2" version of HE-1000 and Edition X will be released soon: http://majorhifi.com/hifiman-he1000-v2/
  6. Look at the Chord Dave thread, some guy questioned about Dave's PSU and PCB and everyone (including Jude and a guy that works for Chord) jumped at him like crazy...
  7. I don't have a BHSE or a Bentley but boy I have hair hahahahahahaha Just joking, I'm 24, maybe at 40's I'll bald.
  8. Nice Crapalli amp, as always.
  9. The only Bryston product I heard was the BDP-2, and was used as transport to the Convert via AES/EBU. I didn't heard their amplifiers, DAC, or other products and I have no clue about design, so can't argue with you guys on that. I only know that what I heard was glorius, maybe is because of the Convert internal clock and sounds 99% as good with a regular computer, but I don't know, only heard the two units at the same time.
  10. I didn't heard Dave, but Dangerous Music Convert kills Yggdrasil, the Convert sounds huge, warm and beautiful, like a master tape without noise. Bryston BDP-2 and Convert-2 are my dream source components. Really, there isn't much (if anything) to improve at that level of quality.
  11. Just found this article on the web: http://inearspace.com/2015/05/22/questyles-cma800p-breathes-magic-into-stax-a-munich-high-end-show-2015-report/ Stax themselves comissioned Questyle to design the preamp. Info and internal pics of the preamp: spam deleted What do you think? Price is rumoured to be around 3k usd. PS: They also did a "golden edition": spam deleted
  12. 3999usd for the Utopia...and of course, Ms Judith hyping up like always. I don't like Focal speakers, I tried Solo 6be for my studio and even the Sopra 2 too, and they're very unnatural sounding, I prefer ATC or Amphion over Focal, leagues better. So, if the headphones sound like the speakers, I don't like them.
  13. OMG that looks better than any comercial amp, regardless of price. You sir have a gift, also, I'm sure it sounds terrific.
  14. Thanks for your answers! Doubt solved
  15. (sorry for my bad english) Hello everyone, First post but I've been reading the forum the last two months. I've read that many users prefer the 007 (with the port mod) to the 009, and that Stax does revisions and changes on the headphones without warning about it. The last version of the 007, refered as "2.9", seems to be the best one (reading this from some Spritzer posts)... My doubt is, there are two colors of the 007 actually, one being all black (import version) and the other silver (japan version). With the port mod, do the actual black and silver versions sound equal? Or do they sound different? Sorry for my ignorance, but I would like to know this litte detail.
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