First of all, many thanks to Dr Kevin Gilmore and all contributors! I’m the lucky one to get KGSSHV… almost =) Well, here is the build, not my though. Long story short I bought the kit with all parts populated from someone I trust (and maybe he will help me, I’ll have to ship 30 pound unit a few thousand miles lol), PSU board was tested and amp boards weren’t. Then after dozen of refusals I finally found someone (highly qualified and reputable diyer) who agreed to do the casing and wiring, with no responsibility of how THAT may sound.
Funny thing to say, I’m the first one to listen to this unit. And it DOES sound tremendously resolution-and-soundstage-wise, needless to say. Except one thing. It’s not just me crazy, two more experienced listeners heard the same spot on. Compared to 007t amp (as well as some other small diy amp) the bass is lacking big time. You can hear all the sub down to 20 Hz but dynamics and amplitude is missing. Barrel drums which are quiet on the recording are barely discernable (Shake off the Dust by Herlin Riley, to name just one)
big drums sound much smaller and drier with more kinda mid-bass impact. No hint of that manner not in a single owner impression!
The headphones are dyi, 3 models with different sensitivity and membrane thickness, no problem with them (they may hit hard like devil dare I say, close to HE-6 & beta22 rig). All parts populated are those recommended, though I can go into the details if needed. 20 hours warm-up.
I’ll have it measured and will get the readings is two days… But what may be the problem? Voltage swing? Volume pot (rk27 btw, original)?
Almost forgot to say, got the ground loop hum sound, pretty audible on sensitive headphone pair. The wiring is done strictly to that scheme