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About HardHead

  • Birthday 01/01/1911

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Newbie (1/6)



  1. HardHead


    Some people here seem to think I was a member here before and I am here to tell you that aint so. I signed up for Head-Case along time ago and forgot my password and gave up on it. I then spent a lot of time at head-Fi until I received an E-mail touting the revamped site and decided to come and check it out. I had to have a new password E-mailed to me and here I am. If some of you think otherwise then I just don't know what to tell you. My name is not hard headcase and I am not banned over at head-Fi. So anyway, I was thinking of buying an RSA B-52 and using my Pico as a Dac fot the B-52, how cool would that be? Just think of the expansive soundstage and airy smooth details, anyone have some tube rolling options for the B-52?
  2. He is right, if you open it then it may just require a new tie wrap to hole it in place.
  3. I have number 073 and I can say I love my Pico. It drives my 650s very nicely and I have even started to use it as a Dac and that has worked out well. Sound is clean and very detailed never too harsh, rides the fence between detailed and harsh very nicely. Sometimes I wonder if something like a Cambridge 840 or a Dac 1 would mkae a good replacment but like IronDreamer said there foesnt seem to be much of a difference and I do like the size and the price.
  4. Like I said, I wasn't looking for that in the first place, I just brought it up because of this crazy thread.
  5. Well I gotta tell you, I don't really feel comfortable posting here on this forum, I do have a sense of humor but it seems to me you guys assumed alot of things about that dude and you have no ideal who he is, just that he owns an amp that you guys hate.
  6. Im a newbie and as you said I cant access those threads, so can you tell me why everyone is anti-RSA? Also you say he should have taken the time to find out about your feelings on RSA but then you go on to say those threads are not available to newbies, im not sure I get that part.
  7. I have been reading threads for part of the day and dont see any anti-RSA posts. I even saw some RSA listed in the best amps thread. If I ask a question you consider stupid will you treat me that way?
  8. Wow, this is some thread. Im glad I didn't ask anyone about tube rolling. Is that the way you guys treat all the new comers around here? If you guys treat people like that then why even have the forum?
  9. You may just want to put it in a box and send it to him with a letter enclosed, thats what he will tell you to do after you wait all that time for him to respond to your e-mail.
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