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About ericj

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. i believe so
  2. a few points of data: When i got my esp/950, it had a squeal in both drivers when driven by either the e/90 or my srd-7. at the time i had no pro-bias sources. Koss insisted on getting their hands on the e/90 as well when i sent it in for repairs. When i got them back, the work order said they'd replaced both 'elements' and the cable, and 'adjusted' the e/90. They no longer squeal. I haven't tried them on a low bias again, but they work fine with the 580v bias on my eXStatA amps, which are variable, but i haven't bothered to vary 'em.
  3. There are posts in the head-fi ortho thread that have been edited dozens of times over the last few years. Just replying to them with a correction helps only the people who constantly follow that thread, because the corrected info is a hundred or more pages back.
  4. Hey, so did you. This is neat.
  5. The way i function in this hobby is mainly exploratory and investigative. Occasionally i realize that i've posted something that later turned out not to be entirely true. Sometimes i find out i was barking up the wrong tree, or i misinterpreted something somebody else told me, or I'm just plain mistaken. At the other fora, I can just go back and edit. Even if i could only append to the same post, that would be ok with me. Not being able to make a change after a short window makes me wary of discussing theory or discovery here. So i won't.
  6. Hey, you know, if head-case doesn't value my contribution, i won't make it. I can't fathom the rationale for the policy, and it inconveniences me. And i have other options.
  7. It will seriously limit my inclination to post here.
  8. fwiw i was here almost a year ago, but left when i discovered the old software wouldn't allow me to edit posts. srsly.
  9. I know a guy who knows a guy who can sell you a NOS pair for something like $80. I paid about $21 shipped from austria for my pair. Thing is, stockers, they come with a plastic grille over the driver module and pleather donut earpads. My pair lacks the grille and has a thin foam donut covered with a lycra bonnet. The lycra bonnet might be a sennheiser part, dunno where the foam came from - could cut your own. They are not for bassheads, though.
  10. It aint a bad headphone, but some of the weird resonances in it bug me as compared to headphones that are wholly dynamic or wholly planar. Too many compromises in the design. I still say that the K145, which i forgot to put on that list, is better. 'course, I've also come to understand that my K145 was modded by a previous owner.
  11. Really? Bummer.
  12. OK, lemme give this a shot. Top - These are the headphones that right now i can remember really thoroughly enjoying with few to no disappointments: ECR-500 DT880-S (Edition 1980) DT990 (Edition 1990) K240-DF K240-Sextett MP Yamakoax (ortho transplant of my own construction) Almost Top - Still excellent, nothin wrong with them, magic less than complete. Deserve to be in the "top" list except for my own neurotic issues: T40 v1 T20 v1 T50 v2 YH-100 QP85 SR-X III Pro 30 K240-M (early) DT770 Pro/80 Middle - Still real good. Many enjoyable hours: SR-80 Pro (Stax) SR-30 DT250-80 K340 (bass-lite) (That's right, you heard me. MIDDLIN.) HOK 80-2 Fair - no complaints: K260 Pro HD25-SP QP55x Meh - meh: Pro4AAT ATH-A900 This list will probably get edited as i change my mind, remember headphones that aren't mentioned here, etc.
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