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  1. Closer look at the Liquid Spark Underside
  2. This is what Cavalli is up to these days (the $100 Liquid Spark)
  3. Not a fan of the Denafrips Venus personally. Too soft sounding with slow decay and blurry attack, too laid back (reduced treble extension), bass loses clarity and impact, everything loses weight and transparency... and this is all compared to the Chord Hugo 2.
  4. More power, balanced output, better power supplies... I think you'll hear all kinds of improvement with a Pure BiPolar or GS-1 Mk2 or GS-X Mk2 in bass impact, separation and layering, maybe refinements in treble and more. I tied up my loose ends with dynamic stuff with a Pure BiPolar from spritzer. As for the GS-1 Mk2, I hope to see one at November or Can Jam NY next year.
  5. The SR-007 even with just a KGSS sounds more transparent to me than any non electrostatic headphone (and I have owned the Audeze LCD-4, LFF Code-6, and other high end planars for reference).
  6. Not to mention cable entry durability as padam said. I'd just get an in-production model (MK2 or A, same thing but different colors and prices since the latter is from Japan). Sounds amazing, also less laid back treble response which I say is a good thing (I find it more natural). And it's built to last.
  7. Is it worth it to buy an SR-007Mk1 at this point? People are saying the current SR-007A (Japan import one, not the all black SR-007Mk2, and let's assume unmodded) sounds very close and is more durable (cable entry point at least).
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