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Everything posted by justin

  1. justin

    slow forum

    he's 11? wat..
  2. I thought this was a joke when I saw it this morning. Billy Mays is the type to be fake-deaded on the internet, especially after a string of celebrity deaths. More shocking than MJ's death, I don't think anyone expected MJ to live a long life.
  3. can you actually hear a difference when you flip the switch?
  4. I will be there in august, already bought the tickets Today I will reflect on how little it seems was accomplished in a year
  5. so they finally took you off the no-fly list
  6. I read this twice as she'd still get it and I was about to give you the
  7. If a USB cable doesn't meet the specifications, the result would be 1 of 2 things: 1) the audio is unchanged 2) data errors are introduced, which may or not be audible. if this were a video cable, you would see the errors, because eyes > ears. which is why every HDMI cable is made the same way, you can't ignore the physics of it and just braid wires together. The possibility of improving the sound never exists, unless the data errors are magical. But I guess that's enough to still need a 3rd possibility. 3) Lost or misinterpreted 0's and 1's result in added bass, added warmth, bigger soundstage, take your pick. You know what would make a difference...for that kind of money, you could probably get a box that optically or transformer isolates all 4 wires from the computer and reclocks the data, and uses a battery to supply the 5V to the device.
  8. you guys just have tin ears. i bet you can't even hear if a fuse is backwards
  9. http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/usb_20_052709.zip the usb_20.pdf (5.7MB) cables start on page 87 you'd think it would be a good idea to read this before designing the product.. the best audiophile USB cable would be a $5 one, with garden hose, techflex, and pretty heatshrink on top. that way it would look expensive, but still actually work properly
  10. If you want to avoid errors in the data, get a cable that follows the USB specification, and has been tested and has been authorized to use the USB logo. So anything under $25
  11. He is talking about how he noticed the coupling capacitors on the Pico Slim and decided attacking something for being designed properly would be the best new strategy. Those coupling capacitors, IMO, are a much better idea than a virtual ground capable of only 25mA current that that the audio signal also goes through. It all depends how you visualize the schematic...one side of the headphone driver is connected to the amplifier, the other side is connected to the virtual ground (or a real ground, or inverted output in the case of a balanced amp). Something to think about whenever an amp claims it can output 250mA of current... By using single supply (no virtual ground) and coupling capacitors, there is a true low impedance ground which is the battery negative terminal. The capacitors I am using are new and not cheap, electrolytic capacitors of appropriate size would be too large for a thin portable amp. There is much more but that can wait until both of these products are in owners' hands.
  12. supposedly AT&T will be adding 3G in my area in August, so that would be the earliest I could consider the switch. But with a cell the only phone I use, it may not be such a good idea..
  13. justin

    Palm Pre

    i assume theres no way to get a line out from it?
  14. I am working on 4 simultaneously right now, and Elephas's is one of them. So is Vicki's.
  15. you know it would be interesting to see how much damage 1 person on a rampage could have caused at CanJam before being restrained or running out of energy. dump the table with the 2x ES-2s creating sparks and pops everywhere, smash a few R10s against the wall, and while everyone is in shock you could probably destroy the whole room
  16. jp if it can be done, it would be nice if the hotel is under $100 with taxes What about Sleestack's place in San Jose
  17. One of the guys came by my table for a few minutes, tried a pico and gave me his card. "Director of New Technologies" or something like that.
  18. i wont take up much space
  19. just did IAD->SFO for $300 roundtrip
  20. I said >= $300 Besides the Bose are more of an executive toy
  21. We get to eat the crumbs that trickle down from that guy's beard
  22. Its possible Monster will end up doing more for high end headphones than everyone else combined. Before the Beats, has there ever been a >=$300 headphone sold by mainstream electronics stores? They're getting people used to seeing headphones at those prices
  23. I forgot about this, makes me wonder if part of their business at CanJam with the large entourage was scouting for new targets
  24. welcome iron:asshat: I'm sure your link is a repost so prepare to be grilled for it
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