If you look at the membership on Head-Fi since I started in business, it has grown somewhere between 20x and 30x. There is also a lot more competition now, so my growth has only been a multiple in the low to mid single digits. I didn't even have a portable amp until 4 years ago, and didn't have a competitive portable amp until a year and a half ago, and now I couldn't do without it. You are probably correct that there are more people buying home rigs today than several years ago. But they are buying $200 Chinese tube amps. The people who are interested in the >$2500 doesn't seem to be a growing group, its the same people that have been members of Head-Fi for several years and most of them are members here too. The Gilmore Lite, at its absolute peak, I sold 28 in Feb 2005. In all of 2008, I sold 12. Of course, it was also 4 years old at that time which makes it a dinosaur on Head-Fi and it had worn out its welcome. I plan to replace it around the end of this year so I will get to find out what is really going on with portable vs. home amps. I suspect any home amp under $500 will sell about 1/4th as well as an identically priced portable.