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Everything posted by justin

  1. Because it's a good idea to put fuses in the high voltage lines, especially in a 2 box amp.
  2. dynalo can run at unity gain with no problem
  3. you have a shorted LED all the way on the top left
  4. for 3k i'll deliver it in person
  5. it's shorter, so it's cheaper to make, but it improves the sound, so it costs more
  6. i should have sent you the 18" umbilical cable if you're going to place them like that. well, it's a $800 option
  7. move Left Input to the Left of the switch and put it on 2 lines Left Input or use smaller text. then put A and B above/below the switch
  8. if they do, you're putting a ~200 ohm load on the output of your source, probably not what it wants
  9. ** warning nudity ** this is nate's wife
  10. this is why i was wondering why bother with the x-rays, skip straight to the MRI?
  11. that's Asr's BHSE with pics taken at Peter's house
  12. he's hired
  13. justin

    slow forum

    relevant to this forum's interests
  14. practically free compared to the rest of the project. might as well go all out. 4 layer, 1/8" thick
  15. just noticed someone had adjusted the volume on my playback software (Cog) to 297% so everything was clipping
  16. 20 min 'Cindy' workout walked 2.5mi to in n out walked 2.5mi back (which seemed to take forever)
  17. Quotes for PCBs after 1 day, amateurs
  18. Means you spent all your money on camera equipment instead
  19. If you look at the membership on Head-Fi since I started in business, it has grown somewhere between 20x and 30x. There is also a lot more competition now, so my growth has only been a multiple in the low to mid single digits. I didn't even have a portable amp until 4 years ago, and didn't have a competitive portable amp until a year and a half ago, and now I couldn't do without it. You are probably correct that there are more people buying home rigs today than several years ago. But they are buying $200 Chinese tube amps. The people who are interested in the >$2500 doesn't seem to be a growing group, its the same people that have been members of Head-Fi for several years and most of them are members here too. The Gilmore Lite, at its absolute peak, I sold 28 in Feb 2005. In all of 2008, I sold 12. Of course, it was also 4 years old at that time which makes it a dinosaur on Head-Fi and it had worn out its welcome. I plan to replace it around the end of this year so I will get to find out what is really going on with portable vs. home amps. I suspect any home amp under $500 will sell about 1/4th as well as an identically priced portable.
  20. It just reads like a summary of the sales pitch they probably received about headphone audio. Head-Fiers are no longer stepping up from portable rigs to big home headphone rigs the way they used to.
  21. Good luck Al, make sure you let the doctor know you are a lawyer Maybe you'll get an MRI and find out the truth a little faster
  22. what I really wanted to do was build all 20 and plug them in at the same time, but a few months work for one photo op wasn't going to happen
  23. I doubt the # of people using estats would be large enough for a study to be done
  24. the fun has just begun. i'm not sure i can fit more than 1 in my car. oh yeah, and only 14 more to go
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