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Everything posted by justin

  1. yeah, check again after that.
  2. can you tell me the best portable amp for $75 and my crappy headphone? here are a bunch of youtube videos of the music i listen to
  3. just came across the "NEW information on JH-3a" thread. Yeah, i don't keep up with head-fi anymore. with the exception of the BHSE thread in the high-end forum it's rare for anything relevant to me to be posted over there. http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/544789/new-information-on-jh-3a/1515 my head hurts.
  4. they're $51.10 at the 1-24 qty, and get as low as $35.26 at 100-249 qty. The price was $34.86 for 10 in 2006
  5. o rly? how much
  6. that's the jack for the Sennheiser HE90. it's available from Fischer Connectors, has to be custom ordered
  7. God is doing a NuThang
  8. they fired that guy, or he quit. don't know if they redesigned the whole thing.
  9. first thing i noticed when i tried it at CanJam was the hiss. but i look for that stuff all day. seriously, why not just make the amp....without hiss.
  10. anyone else remember this? Sort of like a really old iOS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_Ease
  11. i think thats a good thing
  12. just did an estimate and i would have used about 1,750 2SJ109 total, since I started with Gilmore's designs almost a decade ago. Hardly puts a dent in anything. if they could do a 2SK389 + 2SJ109 totally matched and put it on a SOIC-8 now that would have my attention.
  13. im not familiar with either of these names, or the part #
  14. the files cost tens of thousands, but the labor is cheap
  15. you mean you didnt do the whole thing in 12 hours like the guy who does the other guys "Gerber files"?
  16. i would be willing to place an order to have the teflon stax jacks machined, if someone can locate the pins at the right price
  17. thx everyone. i ate steak. there were also picos.
  18. at least you only ordered 1. i had an incident with 2 in a box...loose. brass on brass battle all the way from Florida. they were returned, maybe someone was fired over that one.
  19. you OWE me for that drop in price. i have 20 on order. edit: ah. you got in before the price drop once i saw that price drop i ordered a dozen more. will probably go back for more soon. can't even fit 1 order on a credit card..
  20. Dom and Crappy are moving in to fill the bedrooms
  21. justin

    hi everyone

    how did you get banned?
  22. is this the coffee thread? i was given a Tassimo Single-Serving coffee maker. It uses "T-Discs" which seem expensive and not that easy to find. What's the most common type of pod, that is also cheap, and not likely to become obsolete? I might want to buy a smaller pod coffee maker anyway. oh yeah...and cheap is key. i'm not a coffee snob, i just like caffeine.
  23. i really doubt that would work, maybe if it was within the exchange period
  24. still have the dented ipad?
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