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Everything posted by justin

  1. Nope, thats the 1413 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. i would buy the j79/k216 at that price but the 2sa1486az is high
  3. airlines are dicks. i think they make most of their money these days on change fees for business travelers, but apply the same shit to everyone else unfortunately
  4. http://www.soundonsound.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1080751&Main=1074826 http://www.rig-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=146122 http://audioshark.org/computer-digital-audio-11/kickstart-geek-new-usb-awesomifier-headphones-2276.html#post40145 surprise, surprise. if not computer generated my guess is that they hired an overseas company to do their "marketing". the referral links may be to gauge the success of each shill poster, rather than rack up some kind of rewards for an actual buyer.
  5. i thought its a $50k DAC for a few hundred bucks with everything you could ever want and endorsed by the wall street journal?
  6. i find this product annoying
  7. is that some kind of referral link?
  8. good luck ken i would pick up one of these for your arm: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Breg-SlingShot-3-Shoulder-Brace-/281064938259?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item4170c69b13 it works wayyy better and more comfortable than the freebie hospital blue one
  9. I was told many years ago (dont know if its true) that at one point the Stefan Audio Art guy was making a living doing nothing but selling a HD600 cable
  10. Set it on florida program Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. with a THAT340 input i wouldnt be surprised to see dc offset next time bent the resistors with the value facing up!
  12. hope ken is ok, post an update when you have it
  13. what were those problems since i probably have one of those PCBs here
  14. could be fake or real, i cant tell from that. get the duoyi transistor tester on ebay and check max voltage
  15. The balanced rsa amps should be better as they wont suffer from the 25mA limitation of the TLE2426 virtual ground which serves as a frequency dependent, high distortion bottleneck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Will we go to the dine-uh after the meet?
  17. "The benchmark will be the Geek Out. If it kicks all sorts of ass when they release it next month, then Pulse backers are going to be very excited." i have no idea what's going on, im so out of it
  18. it will be shaped like a mini whiskey barrel
  19. PR...lulz Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. a couple days later can almost lift the arm all the way. amazing how much putting the sling back on for a couple hours, if i need the support, will regress it. i think the underlying pain that prevents lifting the arm is still there, but what i once felt a week ago with the weight of the arm alone is now probably what i'd feel if i also had a 10-15lb dumbbell in my hand
  21. would be weird if all the tubes were bad. check and see if maybe they installed the base wrong? if the filaments light up then it is correct. are the pins the right size for your sockets?
  22. i would match for Vgs at the circuit current
  23. similar maybe, i saw this which looks cool: http://onlycoin.com its available for pre-order for $50 which is 50% off, which seems odd to me as I really doubt the product would be successful at $100. except it says it ships Summer 2014, which makes me think it doesnt really exist yet
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