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Everything posted by minivan

  1. is the stax da80 amp any good? this is a class a speaker amp, any1 try to use it to drive their stax headphone?
  2. splitzer: what sort of glue do u used? is pricejapan the cheapest place to buy the sr404? and can u use any of those lamba series driver? sorry i am still new to stax, all these lamba series are confusing me. thanks
  3. splitzer: what's the cheapest way to get the second hand SR-404 driver? i have a sigma non pro , am considering replacing the driver like what u did
  4. i assume that k1000 speaker adaptor pigtail is just a female 4 pin xlr connected to 2 banana plug for the speaker? no resistor in between the connection?is the 840c a upgrade from your apogee minidac?
  5. for those who has used the speaker amp to drive their headphone, can u please post picture of your connection. i like to try it out myself with my speaker amp. i assume if u are going to use the xlr connection, u will have R+,R- from speaker amp connected to +terminal and ground terminal on the right side of the headphone? do u have to put any resistor in between to ensure safety of operation? that Joe Grado design really puzzled me, it's going into a 1/4" stereo connection, would that mean it will end up still single ended?
  6. i received my omz last week,bought it second hand from some1. had some problem in my initial setup because of my transport, even though i am not buying direct from ori, he's generous enough with his time and help me solve out my problem. big thanks to ori i dont have any high end dac to compare with my omz, the stock zhaolu d3 is all i have. in compare to my stock zhaolu, the omz sound very natural and organic, it's has a wider and deeper soundstage, better imaging, better resolution. the sonic improvement of the omz over my stock zhaolu d3 is like day and night. i might be looking into buying a tg-link card for my zhaolu d3 for lossless transport and putting a zapfilter into the d3. but for now i am very happy with my omz pic of my setup
  7. wow, the day of paying high end dac that cost us an arm and leg is over, thanks to made in china now we can enjoy hi-fi on shoe string budget
  8. what about this dvd player from this thread http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f7/goldmund-v-s-pioneer-285743/ i saw it selling for $100 usd, if i am looking for a dvd player, i will definitely get this one i love the fact i can boast to my guest that i pay $100 usd instead of 6000 pound
  9. is this dac/amp waterproof? can u still use it under the rain?
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