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Everything posted by minivan

  1. thanks for tip about b & d ! it seem like free shipping is also applicable to oversea, australia in this case. just placed my order a few minutes ago.
  2. certain items are cheaper from digikey compare to mouser 680uf 450v Electrolytic Capacitors $11.1 vs $16.8 100uf 450v electrolytic capacitors $4.39 vs $3.11 2.5" heatseek 588-RA-T2X-64E $4.01 vs $3.1 http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?vendor=0&keywords=RA-T2X-64E
  3. yeah, i will take the risk for that, can you please order 100 of those 4171g for me as well? many thanks for that.
  4. if you are going to order from future electronic, i wonder if you can help us out by ordering some 4171g insulators from them as well? shipping cost is a bit high from future electronic for individual buy. i can get the 4170g insulator from mouser but they are over 60cent per piece vs the 20 cents 4171g ones from future i need 100 of those 4171g.
  5. can 4170g insulator from mouser be used in place of 4171g from future electronic? shipping cost is $50 from future electronic just for a few of those 4171g http://www.aavidthermalloy.com/product-group/interface/insulators 4170g is a bit larger then 4171g
  6. how are we going to source enough 2sa1968 and lsk386 for that number of boards?
  7. fyi, found this blog http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bfh/14974873 at the end of the paragraph,it said: atm stax can produce about 30 headphones per month, in 2-3 months time they can make up to 60 per month. the majority of those headphone made in may are for domestic market japan. those produced in june will definitely be for oversea market. it seem like those people who got hold of the sr-009 now are either living in japan or have friends in japan. hopefully you guys will get your lots next month.
  8. payment sent, thank you
  9. that will never happen, according to one of the stax interview i read, stax still have not make any money from the amp they sell, only from the headphone, so why would they want to go all out to make a no compromise amp?
  10. found another c32 impression report AndAudio.com •
  11. just became the proud owner of this headphone STAX SIGMA EARPHONES + SRM-T1W VACUUM TUBE DRIVER UNIT - eBay Headphones, Headphones, Headsets, Audio, Electronics. (end time 18-May-10 09:47:18 AEST) did not bought the headphone through the ebay listing, the seller pull the listing off ebay, and i have a private bidding war with someone else from interstate. the final price went far exceed the original price the seller asked, and it burnt a big hole in my bank account ,the silly reason i won't back off is, the seller live not far from me, and the headphone is like new just like he said. just sold my headamp kgss 3 days ago only amps left now is the ss and hybrid exstata i built and the srm-t1w come with the system. anyone thinking of pull out of the diy t2 project? very tempted now to build one of this to listen to the combo
  12. i am not criticizing other's english, i am trying to say my english is no good therefore i can understand such translation error from some1's english not their 1st language. reread my previous post, and follow some of the posts about the stax interview and the pdf file of the 007a,007 in hf b4 u make clueless post like urs. or try to learn japanese and we can communicate in the same language actually i dont understand why bother to waste time clarity this leather things, ignorance is blessing? sometimes i find reading all these speculation, false assumption, opinion rather then rely on first hand info very amusing to read
  13. wow, had not been here a while, and there's so much debate about the earpad of the 007 and 007a. the 007 is not real leather. this is stated in the pdf file in the stax webpage provided by elephas in hf. for people who's not good in english , the most common errors they will made is grammar and spelling, just like me. but the diff between the word real and artificial is plain and simple, there's no way they can translate this wrongly. the stax interview i posted in hd stated clearly one of the major upgrade of the 007a is using real leather, the interview is done in japanese, so no more lame excuse about english translation. the book with the interview is available in japan's amazon link i provided in the hd, if u guys are not convince, can just buy it and get some1 who understand japanese to translate for u.
  14. the kits i built is the last pic on my first post more info about the amp is here Rock Grotto Audio Forum - Jaycar Headphone Amp Kit
  15. i can see u r the type of person who prefer to spending 1000 euro rather then having the possibilities of spending just 32 usd for something similar
  16. as a whole, obviously the kits i built used much cheaper component. here's another pic of the headamp kit
  17. i just found out there's a lot of similarities between this expensive amp and my 32 dollar headamp kits i built recently my question is: who copy who or it's just a Coincident ?
  18. knowing u guys are interested in the schematic for this amp so i went around begging people in other forum for this, finally got it is this the correct schematic for that amp?
  19. will inform mr he about this thread, impression and constructive feedback are always good for the phone
  20. nope, there seem to be no more news on that amp
  21. i posted on the heaudio thread on hf asking headdirect is the statement "we are the best" is this his own personal statement. headdirect did replied me saying this is their own statement not mr he. but both posts got deleted in the thread i had read lots of stuffs written by mr he, always appear to be a very modest and reserved man to me. invite him to this forum and gave him more constructive feedback? i for one know he never will ceased self improving his headphone
  22. charging circuitry .
  23. i found some internal pic of this portable amp, and posted in the headfi thread. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f105/rudistor-xj-03-a-347133/ some1 pm me asking me to remove it. was there something wrong i did posting internal pic to be share with other? anyway,what do guys think of this amp? some1 in headfi reckon it's better then the pico, it look like a ra-1 to me?
  24. graham prefer the audio technica phone on his amp then other brand, this is stated in one of his post from http://rockgrotto.proboards39.com/index.cgi?board=149
  25. how do u buy thing from yahoo japan? do u use babel fish translator to communicate with the seller?
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