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Everything posted by jazzist

  1. Not quite.
  2. Hi Guys, I've not touched my ambitious β22 build in ~7-8-months due to lack of time. It's very close to being working, but a fair amount of work to do to complete it. I need some headphones to try out the portion finished so far, I don't have any. I don't want to quickly try it driving speakers as I don't have thermal switches or ε24s built yet. I'd like to be able to test both the balanced and unbalanced amplifier configurations, so easy plug recable would be a bonus. Off the top of my head I can only think of HD 650, which I can get new for
  3. Kevin, Lame. You're supposed to keep him waiting for 2-years and then promise it him over several months. You then send fake shipping labels by email, pretend you're snowed in, and then offer to fly it out to him in person. I bet it's not a revolutionary new design with parts polished by angels (to unheard of tolerances) either? Cheers, Mathew. Mikhail clearing the roof of his top secret lab: http://www.leenks.com/gallery790-2.htm Trying to clear his car using only a stick to get to the airport so he can fly the amp out to Dan: http://www.leenks.com/gallery790-4.htm
  4. Sandpaper is Ok, but it may be easier to use a fibreglass pencil. Also useful for lots of other jobs.. Welcome to rswww.com Part number 514-868 Probably available from digikey/mouser/etc. as well.
  5. I have, ordered them middle of last year, soldered the first one into my PCB yesterday, no problems at all. Let me know if you want the dimensions for making a footprint in your PCB software as Cardas have two drawings, one MS Publisher type that is on the website and is incomplete/wrong, and one CAD type which they only have on request. With big connectors like this I set my <a href="http://www.rapidonline.com/Tools-Fasteners-Production-Equipment/Soldering-Equipment/Soldering-Stations/High-power-soldering-station/72316">soldering iron</a> to max and use a lead solder that isn't short of flux (i.e. not no-clean or variants), then it takes a few seconds only. From my WIP B22 : Please excuse the cotton wool all over it (the flux in this solder splatters everywhere)
  6. Onlookers watch for SP 1 coming in to land at Bullshit Airbase.
  7. Just saw this at HF: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f38/headamp-pico-portable-amp-w-optional-upsampling-24-96-usb-dac-pre-order-thread-258967/index206.html#post4218355 Apparently the Pico only really shines with IEMs!
  8. Got my Google checkout request from Justin, so mine is nearly ready What do you current owners think of Pico+RS-1?
  9. I hope it is her...That post, if her, is priceless. :dance:
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